Dear Tonnie,

the event in Iceland is already on a good journey with your group expanding the diversity of participants, one of the preconditions for the force of selforganisation to unfold more freely, among other things.

Greetings from Berlin

Am 19.06.2018 um 10:02 schrieb Tonnie van der Zouwen via OSList:
Dear Kari, dear colleagues OST facilitators,

Thank you for organizing this event Kari. I will be there and bring in a team of 6 students,  a teacher and a dean of our University. Their question is how they can work with Open Space principles in their HR\ program at Avans University of Applied Sciences and develop new forms of leadership. I think they can learn a lot from you (and we from them, as I experienced last year at the COS Conference ‘What do you do when you don’t know what to do). So I hope to meet you all at the WOSonOS.

Looking forward seeing you in October!

Tonnie van der Zouwen

Dr. Tonnie van der Zouwen MCM |Professor Sustainable Working and Organising | Centre of Expertise Sustainable Business | Avans University of Applied Sciences | +31 6 10 13 70 18 |Postbus 90.116 | 4800 RA Breda, Netherlands| <>| linkedin <>Linkedin <>

*Van:*OSList [] *Namens *Kári Gunnarsson via OSList
*Verzonden:* maandag 11 juni 2018 22:08
*CC:* Kári Gunnarsson
*Onderwerp:* [OSList] WOSonOS 2018 Registration

Dear OST-community,

WOSonOS 2018 Bridging the Divide: How are we meeting the challenges of a changing world?

Place & Date: Reykjvík Iceland, October 22-24

Please head over to the registration page to read more and sign up:

We reserved a few hotel rooms in a hotel nearby and these are available on the registration site, but many of us are renting an Airbnb or staying in other accommodations close by.

Gamla-Bíó is our venue: ... The original plan was to have the event in Harpa, looking at the price led to the idea of moving the event to the close-by Gamla-Bíó. I am particularly happy that we manage to do that and lower the registration fee in the process.

The local currency is ISK (Icelandic Króna), you will get about 105 ISK for each USD $ dollar, or about 125 ISK for each € Euro.

The flight time to here from New York is about 6 hours, and from London it is about 3 hours. Flights to Iceland are cheap.

With best regards,

The Wosonos 2018 Team

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