Lieber Thomas,


Ich werde andauernd gefragt, wer denn so nach Island fährt. Jetzt lege ich selbst eine Liste an.
Wer kommt denn noch aus Schweden oder aus Deinem sonstigen Umkreis?

Herzliche Grüße aus Berlin

Am 24.09.2018 um 22:26 schrieb Thomas Herrmann via OSList:
Dear friends in Open Space and Genuine Contact (X-posted to both lists)

Sending a greeting after the first day of three in our training Working with Open Space Technology, here in Gävle Sweden. Very excited participants after having learnt basics about OST, experienced an OSonOS and reflected on the different roles in OST meetings. Before closing we also looked at the components of an OST meeting and started to reflect on what components they will include, because tomorrow they will have time to practice opening space. We will then look at convergence, the essence, pre-work and follow-up before we co-create the theme for the OST some of them will facilitate day 3.

Looking forward and happy to have so many stories to share from what I learnt with you all, not the least Harrison Owen. You are always present in my trainings and so are you Birgitt Williams, as I am teaching OST the Genuine Contact way. I am so happy to have stories to share that I heard and picked up from you and others in the community of practitioners. Thank you!

Couldn’t think of anything more meaningful to do, right now.

Hugs dear friends, dear community

See you in Iceland!

Michael M Pannwitz
Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
++49 - 30-772 8000

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