Hello all!!

So sorry for the super late notice - I've been preoccupied with gathering
in community in the wake of the Tree of Life Synagogue shootings in my
hometown. People are coming together. We held open space for listening and
dialogue, and music, and just being together yesterday in the streets -
just a few chairs and some snacks on the sidewalk...

You are warmly invited to an Open Space Hotline hangout - happening SOON!

Come meet us on Zoom, TODAY, Tuesday October 30th @12PM EDT! We will be on
for 1+ hours - Law of
Two feet applies!

** Feel free to pass it one to friends who are not on the list! **

Sign-up and post topics: http://bit.ly/OShotline

Join the call from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/751609912

a.  Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)

b.  International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference

c.  Meeting ID: 751 609 912

Until then!
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