Dear Thomas,

well, all the emails I send close with a signature in which the current number of countries in the World Map is noted:

"Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 469 resident Open Space Workers in 76 countries working in a total of 145 countries worldwide"

You joined the Map on August 18, 2004, being the first from Sweden.
Two months later, in Oktober of 2014, 87 of us from 25 countries had joined.

Three years later, in October 2007, the signature said:

"Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 458 resident Open Space Workers in 74 countries (working in a total of 132 countries worldwide)"

It has not changed much in a decade. However, many folks left and others joined over the years... the running ID number is now at 1099 former and current members.

Of course, the map shows all the countries listed by the United Nations,
252 in all. In other words, OST has popped up in 145 countries, or in 57% of all countries. Lots of other spaces to go to, yet.

Why are you interested in the number of countries at just this moment?

Cheers from Berlin

Am 14.12.2018 um 14:36 schrieb Thomas Herrmann via OSList:

Anyone still counting? Michael?

Hugs from Sweden

Thomas Herrmann

Open Space Consulting AB

Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden

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Michael M Pannwitz
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Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 469 resident Open Space Workers in 76 countries working in a total of 145 countries worldwide

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