> Hi to each of you
> Further to my em of 21 February 2019 and the correspondence on our OSList
> on this ...

    I have the notion of contacting a key 'Climate Body' in South Australia
to bring the note below to their attention. To be addressed to the head,
with whom I happen to have a personal - not professional - connection.

> *Prior to doing so, I would welcome your thoughts/comments on how my draft
> may be strengthened/modified to increase the likelihood of being acted on. *
   One means of doing this is to reduce the length of time from that
indicated in which to conduct the proposed event.  Thoughts on this?

*  And do you know of any similar kind of initiatives/actions which could
serve as models for what I am proposing?  *

Looking forward.

*Al  *

Al (formerly Alan) Stewart, PhD
Process Artist
Facilitator of conversations that matter and participatory fun

Senior Fulbright Scholar

Blog:  www.conversare.net

Member:  American Society for Cybernetics <http://asc-cybernetics.org/>

*Member: **National Trouble Makers Union* <http://www.ntmu.com.au/>

*Residence: Adelaide, South Australia, since 1975 With time away in the USA
(1981) and Hong Kong (2005-2011 <(2005-2011>)  *


*"Whenever we treat each other well good things happen."Al Stewart*
*“Be yourself.  And be it well” *

> Dear
> This is to bring to your attention an idea to do with addressing climate
> change which may resonate strongly with you and your colleagues.
> It is based on the recognition that:
   .  there is a now a new and mighty force to be considered in regard to
urgently needed mitigating the rate of climate change. Which is, as you
would likely appreciate, the School Strikers
<https://www.schoolstrike4climate.com> initiative.

This, in my opinion, is the main hope and reason for positive notice and
> associated action to be taken to keep global temperature rise to no more
> than 1.5 C.  For nobody can deny the validity of their concern and
> associated plea.

     Here is my ‘idea’ on the kind of action which could be effective in
this regard.

  * A 'way to go' in acting on their plea is to have a gathering of key
'constituents' to address their concerns. *

*                                And that the ‘School Strikers’ in South
Australia be the ‘auspicers’ of an invitation to some 'main players’ to
come together to consider potential constructive action IN THE SAME ROOM. *

This firmed up in my mind after the recent showing of the
> #AccelerateClimateAction <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4gXzF5GzFo>
>  documentary of Bill McKibben of 350.org  here in Adelaide last week.  At
> which It dawned on me that, while there are numerous 'political activist
> groups' wihich focus on action to do with mitigating climate change I
> have not ever seen happening a *gathering *of main 'constituents' to
> address this.
    And from my also seeing this video
climate despair recently.  Plus:  Opinion | Time to Panic - The New York

> *Among the invitees who come to my mind are representatives of:*
> . Owners of the production of fossil fuels.
> . Business Council of Australia
> . Politicians - State and Local government
> . Locally based environmentalist groups such as 350.org.au and Australian
> Conservation Foundation <https://www.acf.org.au>
> . Agriculturalists
> To join with them, ie School Strikers to address the question which they
> have formulated, viz
> “What can and must be done urgently to ensure our secure future in the
> face of dangerously increasing escalation of climate change?”  *Or words
> to that effect.*
> *What process is tailor made to be used to handle this novel enterprise?
> This is Open Space Technology, a widely tried and tested way of addressing
> complex - and conflicted - issues effectively. For information on this see
> www.openspaceworld.org <http://www.openspaceworld.org>*
> In essence, this is a process which is carried out over 2.5 days:
> Day 1:  What needs to be done  urgently if the level of global climate
> change is to be capped at no more than 1.5 C forever?
> Day 2:  What strategies can be implemented in South Australia as a
> contribution to this global goal?
> Day 3 (Half day) Which of these strategies can be implemented immediately
> and which will need to be further developed before putting into practice?

 Everybody present is potentially a full participant.  There is, in
principle, no limit to the number of participants. This number may be
limited by the size of the venue.

*Please let me know if you would wish to explore this possibility further. *

Looking forward ...

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