*Invocation 2 was Saturday 4/13/2019 @ 7AM EDT*
*In attendance :*

*Anna Caroline Turk*
*Jake Yeager*
*Barry Owen*

Our results: "Notes" are below.
We talked about the possibility of Genuine Contact training either before
or after WOSONOS - 2 or 3 day training
Anna Caroline was enthusiastic about that possibility, so we talked a
little bit about where (In a hotel nearby?) . . . How many participants
would be "enough" to support this - 10 minimum . . . and we all seemed to
think that this is something that definitely can happen given the draw from
WOSONOS + other Genuine Contact  folks in the USA. *We resolved that it
would be beneficial to (As soon as possible) schedule a Zoom meeting with
Anna Caroline and her team and the Board members of OSIUS to explore dates
and details. *Energy was very high around this idea.

More detailed notes are below, but I'll lead with our outcome as a theme.

*World Open Space on Open Space 2019*
Accelerating the Ineffable Spirit of Leadership

How we got "here" . . .
We began with reviewing the notes from the first invocation meeting, and
all of us were drawn to the word "ineffable"
Barry googled the word and got this:

   1. too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
   "the ineffable natural beauty of the Everglades"
   synonyms: inexpressible, indescribable, beyond words, beyond
   description, beggaring description;More
   - not to be uttered.
      "the ineffable Hebrew name that gentiles write as Jehovah"

We decided to "ride that wave" gifted to us by the first session.
What is Open Space?
Stillness in action
WOSONOS is the theme . . . so do we need a different theme?
Perhaps a "Sub-title" to "add value to give people a (another) reason to
Do not want a theme that might distract . . . that "doesn't think for
Followed by discussion around "Spirit" as having been an integral piece
even before Harrison Owen's discovery of Open Space Technology. Harrison's
first book was "SPIRIT" and "SPIRIT shows up in other of his works.

Then we talked about Leadership and the myriad ways Leadership can be done
. . . "Command and control" Hierarchical . . . or with the gift of
The 1st sub-title emerged "Ineffable Spirit of Leadership" . . . but we
weren't "done" yet.

Jake mentioned the book Reinventing Organizations specifically referencing
"Teal Organizations" which are characterized by high levels of
Anna Caroline then said (Paraphrase) "Open Space is an ACCELERATOR for
organizations (Self-organization)

You only bring your rational self to work
Whole person Facilitation
Any Leadership has Spirit - This is very broad - wide
We live in accelerating times
There's a stillness quality of Open Space
A counter-balance to the command and control leadership
A different paradigm
and - People LOVE it - Focused knowledge
We accelerate like a rocket when there's space for self-organization to

So . . . our finding:

World Open Space On Open Space
Accelerating the Ineffable Spirit of Leadership

*Barry Owen*
*Real Estate Strategist*
CEO/Principal Broker
*Pareto Realty, LLC *\pə-ˈrā-(ˌ)tō\
*The Vital Few*
4004 Hillsboro Pike Ste 234
Nashville, TN 37215
Office: 615-502-2080
Connect: *615-568-2123*
*BarryOwen.US <http://barryowen.us/>*

*Barry Owen*
*Inviter - Facilitator/Practicer of Open Space Technology *
*Opening and Holding safe space for people and organizations to
self-organize around important issues and opportunities. *
*Invite - Listen - Love*

*BarryOwen.us <http://BarryOwen.us>*

*4004 Hillsboro Pike B234*
*Nashville, TN 37215*
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