Dear Mark,

had a good laughing attack, reading your message.

The approach I have developed to improve on the role and task of the "leader" goes like this:

1. Contact:
I get a call from someone, not necessarily the "leader", sometimes a person from the OD department of the organization requesting an OST event. This professional person, as anyone else, can really have a number of assumptions about the organization she or he works for. After listening for a very short while (since I dont want to get confused) I suggest my standard procedure, a contact meeting with those that decide on this event.

2. Contact meeting face-to-face, never online or similar stuff:
Usually three or four or five people (I suggested to the first caller that it should be a bit of a diverse small group) gather for this contact meeting which lasts exactly 1 hour and maybe 15 minutes. For this meeting I dont charge anything regardless of the outcome. The potential client simply pays the costs (if I have to fly to Paris and spend a night there which happened in the early stage of the 300 leaders with Muslims, Jews and Christians engaged in World Peace in Sevilla (HO facilitated, I helped).) In this meeting I suggest the present folks have an exchange on what the gathering is planned for (usually there is a pretty divergent response but the central issue becomes clearer). After that I tell them about the 5 or 6 prerequites for an OST event and have them exchange on those. At the end I also ask them how aware they are about the role of leaders after an OST event in face of the fact that participants start to lead themselves. Oh, yes, they exclaim, thats what we would love. Hmmm. I also add that nobody from the organization should make any promises in regard to the potential actions that people will engage in after the event. Them then also leading will know what kind of support they need and how to get it.
Before leaveing I tell them to sleep over all this and give me a ring.
If they call me and if I have a hunch that it will all work out, the third step is the :

3. Planning Meeting (preparatory meeting):
A group of 8 to 35 people (thats the range I have experienced in my career of working with OST) that the "leaders" selected, mirroring approximately the expected participants, meet for exactly 3.5 hours to - exchange their expectations re the outcome (Thinking of the first working day after the event, what has changed?) - develope the overall theme (in four steps: everyone for himself followed by random small groups to come to one theme, followed by a quick round of weighing the various themes, a round of three or four that want to come to a final suggestion (in fishbowl with the rest of the group watching, one empty chair for folks watching to come in and make a suggestion and immeditately leaving the chair again) and fourth an exchange of all to see whether the theme is it - a brainstorming on who all needs to be invited to the event to actually work successfully on action that would carry the expectations forward under the chosen overall theme... usually a long list pops up which is reduced by a quick check on whether concrete people are behind the suggestions. For instance if someone says "The press" it will not count unless someone comes up with a particular organ or best a particular person...). The list is then checked on once more by identifying who is essential. If it turns out that someone mentioned as "essential" will definitely not come (for whatever reason) I suggest that then expectations have to be reduced or the overall Theme changed. That can lead to more clarifications and strenghens the common ground. - produce a list of stuff that needs to be worked on and who will be in charge of that for each item, such as producting an invitation, designing different invitation procedures for different target groups (some will need an letter, others a letter and a phone call, some you have to go and see, etc.)

Shortly before the end of the Planning Meeting I ask folks to sit in a closing circle and briefly state what they experienced in the last 3.5 hours. Amazing stuff will surface such as: I came doubting this would make any sense, now I am on fire and have taken charge of finding a venue... I have been working as an executive for 20 years and never had a more productive and fun gathering... we have developed into a real group even though several of you I never met before... (in other words this group together with the "leader" is now leading and spreading the word about the event in their system.)

This kind of approach has always worked also because the formal "leaders" were present and even though it was not done in "OST" nothing happened in the 3.5 hours that was not what those present worked and decided on.

There was, however, one event that I was asked to faciliate a year after a massacre in a school in a town south of Berlin, where the folks of the government (state government, secretary of education), protested against the overall theme. I told the sponsoring group that this intervention could be taken into consideration in a second round of the Planning session. The Planning Group did rise to a stance that would have threatened the event, the secretary gave in.

I think this process works, because it prevents being misled and deceived by "leaders" although, that was not my primary motive for insiting on this process (in fact, I did not accept a job unless this procedure was followed). My primary purpose was to have more space for broad leadership in which formal "leaders" were included, of course.

I am writing this after returning from my Saturday visit at the local farmers market. As always I met folks I know, neighbors, friends, old colleagues. But today a small child (about 3) ran by me waving his arms like a bird wanting to fly. I shouted, watch ought your will fly off in a minute. The father looked at me and said, hi, I am Johannes, I know you from the Open Space event in our highschool (10 years ago, the day after 9/11) and his mother minding her grandson called out a name of a colleague that also worked on the event. Of course, we chatted and they kept repeating what a basic impact that made on them and how the Student Body respresentatives used open space in their weekly sessions (Anna Caroline Turk was part of that at the age of 18 or so)... Reflecting on the event on my way home in the bus I remembered an exchange I had with the Director of the school after the first of at least three "Next Meetings" (checking on the Action Steps and the next steps in a group of everyone that was partaking in the Actions that had been planned at the end of the ost event):

"Hey, Michael, something strange is happening!"
Yes, tell me more.
"I have much more time now then I used to have!"
How is that for you?
"Perfect, great, something I always had hoped for. People just dont come to me anymore for the myriad of details and questions that they used to have. Now, I finally have the time to spend time on issues that are vital for the school."

Greetings from Berlin where I am now returning to picking blackberries in our garden

Am 20.07.2019 um 08:28 schrieb Mark Carmel via OSList:
Yeah seek out the leader and prepare to be misled and deceived by the leader. Fuck the lying leaders   Let the people lead...

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019, 2:33 PM < <>> wrote:

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    Today's Topics:

        1. action reflection learning track for leaders who have
           experienced OST in their organizations (Birgitt Williams)
        2. Re: WOSonOS 2019 registrations open (Thomas Herrmann)


    Message: 1
    Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2019 21:07:39 -0400
    From: Birgitt Williams <
    To: OS list <
    Subject: [OSList] action reflection learning track for leaders who
             have experienced OST in their organizations
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    Dear friends and colleagues in Open Space,
    When you facilitate an OST meeting in an organization, it is the formal
    leader who opens the space inside his/her organization for this
    meeting to
    take place. Whether the leader feels well versed in what OST is or is
    simply going along with something that has been recommended, that person
    has an experience that is also a big opportunity...for the single leader
    and/or the leadership team.

    If you also recognize the wonderful opportunity in front of this
    leader as
    you have discussions with the leader and leadership team, you may be
    interested in the five self study modules that our team is calling
    our Next
    Level Leadership learning track
    five modules are designed for just such a leader to go through in a self
    study mode to encourage some of the thinking that is important to
    lead an
    organization within the new leadership paradigm within which OST fits
    "Leading So People Will Lead".

    Since 1992 I have been fascinated by what happens when formal leaders
    including leadership teams sponsor and experience an Open Space
    meeting in their workplace. There are a few different story lines that
    emerged. First, it is important to share with you that within how we
    about Working with Open Space Technology in our Genuine Contact
    program, we
    encourage facilitators of the OST meeting to have a 'debrief
    meeting' with
    these leaders (the sponsors). The questions we ask in the debrief
    are kept simple and are intended for heightening learning from the
    experience of having been in an OST meeting. Yes, simple

    In my experience, OST always works. And always, the quality and
    quantity of
    outcomes surpasses all expectations. So...that is part of what is
    on during the debrief meeting. Within an OST meeting, there is
    always the
    experience of leadership popping up by just about everyone; people
    that they experience a shared vision during the meeting; a real sense of
    community with good communication throughout; and self management within
    the container created. This is also discussed in the debrief
    meeting. Then
    comes the question that for me is of utmost importance. Here it is
    the OST meeting, you experienced exceptional performance by the
    people who
    participated as you have just discussed. If you are not getting that
    exceptional performance every day, would you like to?".

    Silence is the first response.
    The second response is "no, this is not our daily experience"
    Then comes the discussion of "we want this in our daily experience
    BUT we
    are not ready". I reply "you say you want exceptional performance. Your
    people have shown you within the OST meeting that they are capable of
    exceptional performance already. If you are not having this exceptional
    performance on a daily lived basis and you want it, what is it you
    are not
    ready for?"

    The answer has consistently been about the leadership capacity of the
    leadership team to lead an organization of people who are engaged in the
    ways that were visible in the OST meeting. This is a vulnerable
    conversation to be having and I feel a lot of respect for the
    leaders and
    the discussion.

    My personal favorite outcome of the discussion is the leader (leadership
    team) expressing an interest in developing personal and group leadership
    capacity so that they can successfully lead an organization with a
    participatory architecture along the same lines as the participatory
    architecture of the OST meeting.

    Initially I proceeded with these leaders by teaching them how to
    work with
    OST to get the most harvest out of an OST meeting and to structure their
    organization to allow as much freedom and choice as possible. I realized
    that something was missing. I had jumped ahead too quickly. Just because
    the leader (leadership team) stated willingness, there are steps to take
    between that stated willingness and feeling ready and engaged in
    and working in a more expanded concept of leadership.

    Now  when those leaders (leadership teams)  say they are willing to lead
    their organizations as a culture of leadership, the kind of culture that
    needs a participatory architecture with lots of use of OST
    have them go through what we call our Next Level Leadership learning
    They can do these five modules as self study with lots of reflection
    their thoughts about leadership...and then have a one to one (or group)
    mentoring session to have a conversation about what they are thinking
    regarding leadership.

    Placing this learning track in their hands assists them with discernment
    about leading for the leadership paradigm of "Leading So People Will
    assists them in readiness and developing a plan for their readiness; and
    assists them with engaging in the development needed for what is a very
    challenging leadership role...well worth it, but challenging.

    I hope that this has piqued your interest about one way to help
    leaders who
    are interested in leading for the kind of performance they
    experience in an
    OST meeting. This has been a passion of mine for a long long
    time...and I
    am very pleased with what happens when leaders take the time to go
    this self study. Shift happens.

    in genuine contact,

    *Birgitt Williams*
    *Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"*
    Author, Senior Consultant, President Dalar International
    Consultancy, Inc
    Founder Genuine Contact Program
    Co-owner Genuine Contact Group, LLC
    Founder Extraordinary Leadership Network

    *Learn with us for your skill and capacity development for leading and
    working in the new leadership paradigm "Leading So People Will Lead"*

    Upcoming learning module: Working with Open Space Technology
    Three different learning options to learn a process for facilitating
    meetings that engage the people. Self-Study + One-to-One Mentoring +
    Mentoring Circle; Self-Study + Real-Time Workshop + Mentoring Circle;
    and Self-Study
    + Real-Time Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle with real
    time workshop dates three consecutive Fridays from 9am to 12:30pm EST on
    October 18, 25, and November 1st.

    PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613
    Phone: 01-919-522-7750
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    Message: 2
    Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2019 12:11:02 +0200
    From: "Thomas Herrmann" <
    To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
    Subject: Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2019 registrations open
    Message-ID: <002301d53e1a$45a2d9f0$d0e88dd0$
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

    Thanks Chris, thanks Birgitt for reflecting around who is this
    training for.

    My experience from facilitating a few of these OST trainings each
    year since the year 2000, is that I learn so much every time. But I
    guess that is true for all ?spacy? OST trainings! We have lots of
    space in the venue and I think that diversity of experiences adds to
    everyones experience and learning. We expect a variety in the level
    of experience amongst the participants.

    Birgitt already mentioned some specifics of our training. I?d add
    that the learning is facilitated using Whole Person Process
    Facilitation. WPPF is a more directed method, building on the same
    values as OST. We build in lots of variety in the training to invite
    the whole person. Two shorter OST meetings are included in the three
    days, one facilitated by the participants.

    Let me/us know if you or anyone else (!) have any more questions

    CU in Washington!

    Thomas Herrmann in Sweden

    Fr?n: OSList <
    <>> F?r Birgitt
    Williams via OSList
    Skickat: den 15 juli 2019 17:14
    Till: World wide Open Space Technology email list
    < <>>
    Kopia: Birgitt Williams <
    ?mne: Re: [OSList] WOSonOS 2019 registrations open

    Dear Chris,

    great to be communicating with you and possibly to meet again soon.

    The Working with Open space Technology module of the Genuine Contact
    program, although including the facilitation of the form of OST as
    per Harrison Owen's teachings, focuses a great deal on pre-work with
    the sponsor, harvesting the most out of the OST meeting for the
    benefit of long term impact in the organization and how to do so,
    and developing a personal perspective on the essence of OST beyond
    the form. What is 'open space?', what is the essence of OST?, what
    is the sponsor really doing? what is the facilitator really doing?

    I personally find value in going into this module from time to time
    to discern my thoughts, add to my growth and with curiosity and
    playfulness look at what I now believe I know that I didn't seem to
    know before,  and develop greater mastery in my work. I believe you
    have lots of experience with OST and yet, this module, as
    facilitated by Anne Caroline Turk (Germany) and Thomas Herrmann
    (Sweden) may stimulate thoughts and development in you that you will
    find useful in our growth and work.

    in genuine contact,


    Birgitt Williams

    Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"

Author, Senior Consultant, President <> Dalar International
    Consultancy, Inc

    Founder  <> Genuine
    Contact Program

    Co-owner  <> Genuine
    Contact Group, LLC

Founder <> Extraordinary Leadership Network

    Learn with us for your skill and capacity development for leading
    and working in the new leadership paradigm "Leading So People Will Lead"

Upcoming learning module: <>
    Working with Open Space Technology. Three different learning options
    to learn a process for facilitating meetings that engage the people.
    Self-Study + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle; Self-Study +
    Real-Time Workshop + Mentoring Circle; and Self-Study + Real-Time
    Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle with real time
    workshop dates three consecutive Fridays from 9am to 12:30pm EST on
    October 18, 25, and November 1st.

    PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613

    Phone: 01-919-522-7750

    On Sat, Jul 13, 2019 at 6:35 PM Chris Kloth via OSList <
    <>> wrote:

    Hi, Birgitt. I hope you are well.

    You may recall that in the early days of OST, before OSONOS, I was an
    active member of the OST community. I have continued to use OST as one
    of the tools in my work, and have continued to (mostly) lurk on OSLIST.

    I have already registered for OSONOS 2019... I can't wait to reconnect
    with some of my old friends and meet some of the people I have seen

    I have watched your Genuine Contact work evolve from a distance. I
    noticed the pre-OSONOS session is from a module in your Genuine
    Contact program. I am wondering, as someone who still uses OST, if
    there is something in particular your approach might be distinct...
    something to add to my learning. At the same time, I don't want to
    take a spot that someone just learning about OST might benefit from.

    What are your thoughts?

-- Shalom,

    Chris Kloth
    ChangeWorks of the Heartland
    254 South Merkle Road
    Bexley, OH 43209-1801
    ph 614-239-1336
    fax 614-237-2347

    Think globally. Act locally.

    Quoting Birgitt Williams via OSList <
    <>> <>>:

     > Dear  Harold,
     > I love the theme and recognizing the spirit of OST. I became a
    fan of OST
     > when it was very much focused on opening space for spirit to do
    the work of
     > spirit...always life nurturing and working with what is present.
     > I love that before the WOSONOS there is a training in Working
    with OST, a
     > module of the Genuine Contact program. I love that after the
    WOSONOS there
     > is a workshop offering OpenSpaceAgility. Wonderful bookends to an
     > event. I have attended lots of OSONOS's before they were referred
    to as
     > WOSONOS's...and then several WOSONOS's before health concerns got
    in the
     > way. I am intending to be able to attend and will have to
    discover whether
     > this is in the Divine Plan for me.
     > I also will post the information in my social media and can
    imagine that if
     > we all do the same, news of this fantastic conference will go viral.
     > in genuine contact,
     > Birgitt
     > *Birgitt Williams*
     > *Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"*
     > Author, Senior Consultant, President Dalar International
    Consultancy, Inc
     > < <>>
     > Founder Genuine Contact Program
     > < <>>
     > Co-owner Genuine Contact Group, LLC
     > < <>>
     > Founder Extraordinary Leadership Network
     > < <>>
     > *Learn with us for your growth and development for the new leadership
     > paradigm *
     > Genuine Contact Summer Academy
     > < <>> theme is
     > Contact: a holistic approach to change June 22-28, 2019
     > Ontario, Canada--early bird registration price still in effect.
     > Approximately 30 participants from many countries taking a deep
    dive into
     > working with change, learning more about thriving in today's
     > environment of constant change.
     > *Trail-Blazing Membership to the International Community of Practice
     > Available Now < <>>--*the international
     > community of practice working with the Genuine Contact program
    since 2001
     > is now evolving itself as a membership organization. Trail
    Blazing members
     > have the opportunity from now through August 2019 to help develop the
     > membership model. I hope that you will become a Trail-Blazing Member,
     > adding your support to the growth of Genuine Contact in the
     > there are membership benefits that are sure to make this worth your
     > commitment.
     > PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613
     > Phone: 01-919-522-7750
     > On Sun, Jun 30, 2019 at 9:30 PM Harold Shinsato via OSList <
     >  <
    <>> wrote:
     >> Dear Open Space Family,
     >> The World Open Space on Open Space 2019 registration page is
    live and
     >> ready to receive registrations.
     >>  <>
     >> Many thanks to all the Open Space Institute board members, emeritus
     >> members and friends who helped scout facilities, lodging
    options, for
     >> developing artwork, and for the many people who helped us
    fashion the theme
     >> of...
     >> ?Honoring the Ineffable Spirit of Open Space Technology?
     >> We say more about the theme on the website. It seems impossible
    to capture
     >> the spirit behind Open Space Technology in words, thus the word
     >> Which means utterly indescribable. So the upside-down question
    mark we
     >> stole from the Spanish is intended to especially emphasize the
     >> about honoring that spirit.
>> Please feel free to send any questions to < <>>
    <>, to me, or to
     >> any board member you know. We hope to see many of you there.
     >>     Regards,
     >>     Harold
     >> --
     >> Harold Shinsato
     >>  < <>> <>
     >>  <>
     >> twitter: @hajush < <>>
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