This week I have been doing some work with Adam Foss and his Prosecutor Impact program in Columbus, Ohio. USA. (See link below)

As part of this two week program we took 40+ prosecutors to Marion Correctional Institution for the day. Most had never been in a prison. Without going into the details, a group of 12 inmates organized a day of activities to provide the prosecutors to explore what it might mean to re-imagine the roles of prosecutors on the criminal justice system in the US and in Ohio.

We entered a very large chapel in the prison and discovered a very large circle of chairs. Imagine my surprise when Wayne, a lifer, said that while he had been inside he had learned about a process called Open Space Technology and entered into a brief review of the Principles and the Law! He sent markers around the circle, explaining that they were serving as both a talking sticks and ways to identify topics... an approach that accommodated the security concerns reflected in prison policies.

Purists might raise a number of questions about how the process was planned and executed, but if the essence is opening space for people to organize themselves to have several rounds of dialogue within the Principles and the Laws... I call it an amazing success. If inmates and prosecutors crying and embracing as part of the closing circle... I call it an amazing success.

Before we left I asked Wayne how he learned about OST. He said he found this "old green book" in the prison library!

I have been blessed to have experienced and convened many OST experiences that left me feeling deeply touched, but I suspect this session will always live deep in my heart as one of the most profound!


Chris Kloth
ChangeWorks of the Heartland
254 South Merkle Road
Bexley, OH 43209-1801
ph 614-239-1336
fax 614-237-2347

Think globally. Act locally.

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