The “reflections” I have used came in large part from the work of Angie Arrien 
particularly The Fourfold Way. It is all in the User’s Guide (all editions). 
And I’m told there will shortly be  a French translation of the 3rd edition … 
in case you to practice/use you French.




From: OSList [] On Behalf Of 
Thomas Perret via OSList
Sent: Saturday, August 3, 2019 2:39 PM
To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
Cc: Thomas Perret
Subject: Re: [OSList] sacred space


Just beautiful. 


All is possible together

On 3 Aug 2019, at 3.26, Birgitt Williams via OSList 
<> wrote:

Dear friends and colleagues,

Over the years, I have given considerable thought and reflection to the concept 
of open space, including what Open Space Technology is, what it does. I have 
considered why it is a life nurturing strategy to use Open Space Technology as 
often as possible, everywhere in the world, and as often as possible within an 


1992, my first exposure to Open Space Technology by Harrison Owen. I had 
already experienced circle work in other forms, the power of the circle. Now I 
had a different treasure to experience, a different format of using circle 
work. During the Open Space Technology training, Harrison didn't mention the 
reflective questions he asked at the end of an OST meeting. I am not sure that 
they are in 'The User's Guide'. They might be. They are definitely in our 
Genuine Contact program workbook about Working with Open Space Technology 
because I found them to be so powerful, offering an exceptional moment for 
insights to pop to the surface.


I sat in rapt attention at the end of the closing circle as Harrison asked 
"during this time together, what did you experience about leadership? about 
vision? about community? about management?". The answers were overwhelming, 
positive, insightful, and glorious. The people expressed visceral, not only 
intellectual responses that leadership popped up everywhere, that a shared 
vision was felt, that community felt surprisingly present, and that within the 
structure, self management flowed. For me in that set of moments of the 
reflection, I had an insight that affected the rest of my life, my career, and 
was the catalytic moment of the development of the Genuine Contact program. 


I related what happened in that moment to what Marianne Williamson wrote, also 
published in that same year A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of 
a Course in Miracles. You probably know the quotation I am referring to as 
Nelson Mandela used it in a powerful speech. Here are Marianne's words "“Our 
deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are 
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens 
us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? 
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small 
does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that 
other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as 
children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. 
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light 
shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are 
liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”.

I realized that Open Space Technology provided a window into what is. It 
provided a window into the light of the people gathered, their power beyond 
measure, their brilliance, beauty, talent, the beautiful spirit in each and 
every person gathered and the beauty of the spirit of the collective, the 
genius of the collective. The reflection questions helped me to understand the 
power of this window that is Open Space Technology into what is, into what 
already exists, into what every part of my being knew was sacred.


Just as I believe we are all enlightened, simply needing to pause, breathe, 
mediate to develop our awareness of the sacred of our being, I find OST the 
best tool to assist a group of people develop awareness that they are much more 
than they believe themselves to be, capable of much more from the sacred, from 
the field of all possibilities. OST assists us in developing our capacity to 
view the field of what is, and what can be further creating in the ever 
expanding field. OST assists us in developing our capacity, with curiosity, 
wonder, joy, love to work with the field, and to add our creations to the 
expansion of the field, a field always present, always expanding, and 
accessible by all of us individually, as groups, as collectives. I do not think 
of this field as 'open space'. I think of it as sacred space. It is free, it is 
available, it invites us if we choose to have eyes to see it and ears to hear 


I appreciate Harrison Owen capturing the elements of a useful window, Open 
Space Technology, writing about it, training us in it, and inviting people 
everywhere to go ahead and use it, without fees going back to him. The window 
takes us into the sacred space that is, the sacred space that includes 
exceptional insights, conversations, relationships, and results.


For me, I understood that the training lies in how to work with Open Space 
Technology, to position it within an organization for the organization to have 
the best possible harvest from allowing such a window in their 
organization...once or multiple times..or as a way of operating daily.


The Working With Open Space Technology module of the Genuine Contact program 
emerged from my quest and my fascination with the first workshop in Halifax, 
Nova Scotia, Canada in 1999. Trainings based on this module continue in 
multiple locations annually. A schedule of offerings is at 
Of note, three offerings are coming up soon.

1. in the Netherlands by Doris Gottlieb, Thomas Herrmann, Anna Caroline Turk in 
the Netherlands Sept 3-5  

2. in Washington DC area right before WOSONOS by Anna Caroline Turk and Thomas 
Herrmann Oct 22-24  <>

3. and the offer of Birgitt Williams and Rachel Bolton online three Fridays in 
a row Oct 18, 25 and Nov 1 from 9am to 12:30  
<> We also 
have a self study option plus one to one mentoring featured on that page for 
people who come  to us wanting to learn how to work with OST asap


in genuine contact,





Birgitt Williams

Supporting Next Level Leadership "Leading So People Will Lead"

Author, Senior Consultant, President Dalar International Consultancy, Inc 

Founder Genuine Contact Program 

Co-owner Genuine Contact Group, LLC 

Founder <>  Extraordinary 
Leadership Network


Learn with us for your skill and capacity development for leading and working 
in the new leadership paradigm "Leading So People Will Lead"


Upcoming learning module: Working with Open Space Technology 
<> . Three 
different learning options to learn a process for facilitating meetings that 
engage the people. Self-Study + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle; 
Self-Study + Real-Time Workshop + Mentoring Circle; and Self-Study + Real-Time 
Workshop + One-to-One Mentoring + Mentoring Circle with real time workshop 
dates three consecutive Fridays from 9am to 12:30pm EST on October 18, 25, and 
November 1st.


PO Box 19373, Raleigh, NC, USA 27613

Phone: 01-919-522-7750

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