I have been part of the Agile movement from early on - 2002.

Agile felt different before and after certifications crept in. In
my opinion, Agile went in a direction different to what it started out from
and I wonder how much certification played into that.

I would rather OST remained without certification.

Ron Quartel

On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 3:28 AM Royle, Karl via OSList <
oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:

> Mark, have you read reinventing organisations by Laloux?
> Bosslessness   or Bosslessly   new words for a new age coined by my
> colleague and collaborator Jasmina Nikolic (that’s where I first heard the
> term).
> Vison mission….etc can translate to purpose… or it can emerge from
> conversation.. human agency and agency freedom.. there’s the thing ☺
> K
> *From: *OSList <oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org> on behalf of Mark
> Carmel via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> *Reply to: *World wide Open Space Technology email list <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> *Date: *Wednesday, 14 August 2019 at 18:21
> *To: *Chris Corrigan <chris.corri...@gmail.com>
> *Cc: *Mark Carmel <markacar...@gmail.com>, World wide Open Space
> Technology email list <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> *Subject: *[OSList] Why CERTIFICATION makes sense considering this
> conversation on Mission, Vision Strategy Plans, etc. WHY JESUS SHOULD HAVE
> set certification criteria...
> Chris Corrigan thank you . You just hit the nail on the head giving fodder
> the argument FOR certification.  You're right Jesus did not certify
> practitioners. He left it to human nature. Then women were banned so the
> men could continue to control the women (and children). Jesus did set the
> Strategy with his disciples: What to do.  But did not set the Tactics: How
> to do it. Every good strategic plan has strategies AND  tactics to
> implement strategies, right...  What IF Jesus certified
> practitioners...would he have banned women, etc.... Had Jesus set the
> implementation tactical guidelines then perhaps it would not have become so
> duplicitous.  Jesus is the best example of a person being crucified for
> honesty in speaking out about what he saw as right and wrong in the empire.
> . Harrison Owen thank you for giving us our Bible...and religion.
> Godspeed to ALL in implementing it.
> Mark Carmel
> MC the MC - Global Guru of Peace and Human Understanding - Desciple and
> Friend of the GREAT LEADER Harrison Owen...
> On Wed, Aug 14, 2019, 10:05 AM Chris Corrigan <chris.corri...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> You do realize that Jesus never certified practitioners of Christianity,
> right? And that subsequent attempts to do so basically created a toxic
> blending of Church and Empire that contributed to mass amounts of suffering
> through incredibly toxic and psychopathic uses of power and control for
> most of the last 1700 years?
> And I say that as a Christian who works with churches.
> Mark, just open space.  That’s what the world wants more of. It does not
> want or need more  people running around saying they are certified to open
> space.  It truly doesn’t care. Your credentials mean nothing if you aren’t
> actually opening space.  And if you are opening space, no one will care
> what your credentials are.  The best OST meetings I’ve ever been a part of
> were facilitated by people who had never done them before.  They cared
> about the participants, they took care to follow the instructions, they
> took nothing for granted, and they learned a lot about themselves and
> others.  Some of these people were 14 years old.
> Coincidently, some of these people are also the best Christians I have
> ever met, too, for the same reasons.
> Just do the work and share your learning and get better at it. That’s how
> I learned, that’s how I support others and that’s my invitation to you.
> Resist the devilish temptation to build an empire.
> Chris
> On Aug 14, 2019, at 8:39 AM, Mark Carmel via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Fascinating conversation. This is exactly why we need a certification-like
> program and an organizational structure for the future if we want to train
> people in the finer points of sustaining open space interventions over time
> as Chris has done. There is a lot more to it than just throwing out an
> invitation and opening up the market place. It is interesting to me that
> from the most seasoned open space masters the idea was instantly shot down,
> saying...we discussed that already... Now that is not what an open space
> facilitator normally does right? Shoot down other people's ideas. The world
> has evolved into one that respects credentials. Interestingly the ones who
> spoke the strongest against certification have already given themselves
> nice fancy titles. Which is wonderful.  Because credentials really do
> matter. Right now open space facilitators must give themself their own
> title and otherwise have no backing whatsoever to lend credibility to their
> self given titles. When you talk about overcoming the resistance of
> executives and with the retaliation nation nature of things now (look at
> Hong Kong) it makes sense to put some structure to the educational
> credentialing of OSTsters from apprentice  to Master to mentor.  In terms
> of VISION and MISSION and VALUES and STRATEGY, why is it that we
> facilitators want to apply that same organizational structure for ALL other
> organizations but resist doing the same for OUR work, to create OUR
> organization... What IS our vision...to hope the world magically organizes
> around OST... or to make it happen through a viable 1,000 year vision.  In
> his great book, Leadership Is,  Harrison is spot on to define OST as the
> ONE way for leaders to be a caretaker of the Spirit.  We must not be naive
> to believe that leaders will not crush the Spirit once it emerges in Open
> Space. This requires highly advanced training to be able to navigate the
> process over decades of implementation.  ALL great decisions require great
> leadership. If OST ever gets an organization, I hope this idea will be
> considered by its leaders or of course someone else will do it or it will
> not be done. In some ways, or all ways, Harrison has created a new religion
> of Spirit and I hope that an organizational structure WILL be created kinda
> like that other dude who started out with 12 disciples.
> Peace,
> Mark Carmel
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2019, 11:03 PM <oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org>
> wrote:
> Send OSList mailing list submissions to
>         oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=yJHGONHGis1mmm1umSiSsZIGJbxPalZoe9B474v0QDkyn7_y-B0sYY1Y5wI7JtJAbeWZRQoJYL9sImCPJXAQsYplGiRoni9jsjPgXETYVFWXSLhd4aifKjle0tf3PEpsEgjIjjQLdX8S1RczXDXOB0D02j8bc84SVzwm3sThGIoKY7sRAGQx-EWMxEUqCF32FcKNgqzwHMVULr6p577Y4gK3duVK3SfPKULQYor9HC8imrU53XsiQUMreUTqtMpOUebFAy6worsNjbGdDOltTg>
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         oslist-requ...@lists.openspacetech.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         oslist-ow...@lists.openspacetech.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of OSList digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Chris Kloth)
>    2. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Harrison Owen)
>    3. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Peggy Holman)
>    4. Re: OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning? (Jake Yeager)
>    5. Open Space Hangout! Tues Aug 13, 12 PM EDT! (Tony Budak)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:25:41 -0400
> From: Chris Kloth <chris.kl...@got2change.com>
> To: jacob.yea...@gmail.com
> Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>         <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
> Message-ID:
>         <20190812172541.20436ug8j3rp3...@tcsso-mail2.inetuhosted.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; DelSp="Yes"; format="flowed"
> Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
> pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
> That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
> start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
> thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
> clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
> issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
> addressed in such a setting.
> I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
> requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
> listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
> No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
> time. I will admit I was nervous.
> The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
> the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
> second round the company president faxed from the other site that
> their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
> The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and optimism.
> --
> Shalom,
> Chris Kloth
> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> 254 South Merkle Road
> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> ph 614-239-1336
> fax 614-237-2347
> www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> Think globally. Act locally.
> Quoting Jake Yeager <jacob.yea...@gmail.com>:
> > Hey Chris,
> >
> > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
> > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
> > active!
> >
> > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
> >
> >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the non-profit
> >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
> >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
> sites.
> >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend
> for
> >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
> >
> > Thank you so much Chris!
> >
> > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
> > executing OS cross-site, please do!
> >
> > All the best,
> > Jake
> > ________________
> >
> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
> > you will be free of problems.
> >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <chris.kl...@got2change.com
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
> >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
> >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
> >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
> >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
> >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
> >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
> >> structure.
> >>
> >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
> >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
> >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
> >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
> >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
> >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Shalom,
> >>
> >> Chris Kloth
> >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> >> 254 South Merkle Road
> >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> >> ph 614-239-1336
> >> fax 614-237-2347
> >> www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> >>
> >> Think globally. Act locally.
> >>
> >>
> >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> >>
> >> > Hi all,
> >> >
> >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
> statement
> >> or
> >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
> >> recommendations?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks!
> >> >
> >> > Much love as always,
> >> > Jake
> >> >
> >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
> >> > ________________
> >> >
> >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
> and
> >> > you will be free of problems.
> >> >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> >>
> >>
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 17:57:37 -0400
> From: "Harrison Owen" <hhowe...@gmail.com>
> To: "'World wide Open Space Technology email list'"
>         <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
> Message-ID: <001201d55158$f4f61ec0$dee25c40$@com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="us-ascii"
> Beautiful! Thank you Chris!!
> ho
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OSList [mailto:oslist-boun...@lists.openspacetech.org] On Behalf Of
> Chris Kloth via OSList
> Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 5:26 PM
> To: jacob.yea...@gmail.com
> Cc: Chris Kloth; World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
> Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
> a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
> pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
> That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
> start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
> thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
> clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
> issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
> addressed in such a setting.
> I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
> requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
> listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
> No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
> and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
> time. I will admit I was nervous.
> The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
> the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
> second round the company president faxed from the other site that
> their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
> The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and optimism.
> --
> Shalom,
> Chris Kloth
> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> 254 South Merkle Road
> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> ph 614-239-1336
> fax 614-237-2347
> www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> Think globally. Act locally.
> Quoting Jake Yeager <jacob.yea...@gmail.com>:
> > Hey Chris,
> >
> > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
> > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
> > active!
> >
> > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
> >
> >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the non-profit
> >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
> >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
> sites.
> >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend
> for
> >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
> >
> > Thank you so much Chris!
> >
> > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
> > executing OS cross-site, please do!
> >
> > All the best,
> > Jake
> > ________________
> >
> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
> > you will be free of problems.
> >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> >
> >
> > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <chris.kl...@got2change.com
> >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
> >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
> >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
> >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
> >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
> >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
> >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
> >> structure.
> >>
> >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
> >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
> >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
> >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
> >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
> >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Shalom,
> >>
> >> Chris Kloth
> >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> >> 254 South Merkle Road
> >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> >> ph 614-239-1336
> >> fax 614-237-2347
> >> www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> >>
> >> Think globally. Act locally.
> >>
> >>
> >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> >>
> >> > Hi all,
> >> >
> >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
> statement
> >> or
> >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
> >> recommendations?
> >> >
> >> > Thanks!
> >> >
> >> > Much love as always,
> >> > Jake
> >> >
> >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
> >> > ________________
> >> >
> >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
> and
> >> > you will be free of problems.
> >> >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> >> >
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> >>
> >>
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> _______________________________________________
> OSList mailing list
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> Past archives can be viewed here:
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> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=VDvAFIBhTZ_jNNDwbqdMCvUziAaYTAGpOPkssotCaswMHHjbhxhGBzy8VnMur1DeSW8S2Ug5vvY33QPo7zjlA1iW_aQM_woE-MhZnuxE1uJcrIr4s3WNeuFGOqMYhUI-jo295Kw-6q4koJEggRWWnxOdnsIhsR1Exk2mh548Reho5TagXyy6koV7cXj6TtTuEhSNp7F76ljGyk7-MuAqJwOIhIAKZkE2t8vJmAV3D3DI-BaTfnZd4c9nQ8bvXrRGSMCzS_D2C-pzgPbcMgZBxA>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2019 15:23:21 -0700
> From: Peggy Holman <pe...@peggyholman.com>
> To: Open Listserv <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
> Message-ID: <433f9a43-8d47-4af6-9ea7-9621012c2...@peggyholman.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> I?ll add another strategic planning story to the mix. In the 1999, I did a
> project with the Washington State Arts Commission to create a strategic
> plan that was widely embraced by artists and arts organizations all over
> the state. The commission?s continued funding was riding on success.
> We hosted 20 Open Space convenings around the state over 6 weeks. The
> first and last were statewide. The rest were 3-hour sessions in towns as
> small as Twisp and cities as large as Seattle. In the end, the arts
> commission created a plan that was not only widely embraced, but two years
> later during an economic downturn, the funding held when other departments
> were cut because of the widespread support.
> When we started, the commission members were convinced large and small,
> east and west, rural and urban would all be at war with each other. In
> fact, they found synergies and ways to partner.
> A bit more of the story is here:
> http://peggyholman.com/a-conversation-about-the-arts/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=G6RC8H7KMoYbbd3DUZ9yI8awC7bgUsu9fIIPeudrZlBU98YVQxtkkNs5Yqp0tnrEGoLaq2kwFFfyp1HDl_Grw-nGtroVIc4Rpse9ciVDFowDEEgyxQ1edr76dfwZIzxj9swlMbDzyaaYc-6XP-XicRDUtFp7Ri7P_I3gyuKpB8NTnbcef1BXcMXh1OqP16OsJvONR93ssYBQ9rSSF-YgHgNJysZ7sJ9pJ7JGwsFKaQTtjNRezH-MHnKcLWpk8fMU>
> <http://peggyholman.com/a-conversation-about-the-arts/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=G6RC8H7KMoYbbd3DUZ9yI8awC7bgUsu9fIIPeudrZlBU98YVQxtkkNs5Yqp0tnrEGoLaq2kwFFfyp1HDl_Grw-nGtroVIc4Rpse9ciVDFowDEEgyxQ1edr76dfwZIzxj9swlMbDzyaaYc-6XP-XicRDUtFp7Ri7P_I3gyuKpB8NTnbcef1BXcMXh1OqP16OsJvONR93ssYBQ9rSSF-YgHgNJysZ7sJ9pJ7JGwsFKaQTtjNRezH-MHnKcLWpk8fMU>
> >.
> Peggy
> ________________________________
> Peggy Holman
> Co-founder
> Journalism That Matters
> 15347 SE 49th Place
> Bellevue, WA  98006
> 206-948-0432
> www.journalismthatmatters.org
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=7bLwx-Vf3CCugse4Xgr7AW8UzdXBz0449RrG7Ep3bHNRhgPsT1FJcPLHyWSSUJ2BkeetPrwEbVS0w646OSYyTJphJPFV4b7acGJ6T3D0iT7GX4m2ZF8gDwbBO40nnEgol4ixfWiMtVWDXQhj964ql4dIKYwj3EkM8gTeAtWhWmZzCsuHuPJ3bNo8rnfr4y-juhdMzmDC0tVYPvJYg0w8DRucjv0aed1dvteI3COEc5Q>
> www.peggyholman.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=ThpEiU0QY_iDkPEJqdQpkeuTEVamuXkHx3Lnjz0zADB2k_XucOveEJLAd9GOSu8arsSstbs2l03_NTZZpRVcm7Q5WzM_qCzPSf7sRK4liTxRguZyOGdQyCygv3vT8yVRIdnSpBHY7o_WAqvOt5ap4_DHhIv21FbcFliXG-R35-6li92TgDhRFJ7Cct2pWdIAzwB2b_po7t7rdzun085Tzz68rchsbpgaXW0-UXH2KMc>
> Twitter: @peggyholman
> JTM Twitter: @JTMStream
> Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning?Upheaval into
> Opportunity <http://www.engagingemergence.com/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=KRDSdT23MdqMSGZHGKk3Nf4ga5W2xVkDqeBHyIgQSM0GocsHXudRA6ZwgbXCJ_2983lKZA21mqeDJAKfZOu3qGwLJSbr7llB3q5kYDxVFVgI0lMxql2i5R8F3tBtgGLNTAYxCusxT5ZMT4G1RqDc_kiSzcPqG6UKPG_fq0a8bnABiBym8w1Msu9EDeI0Qdz42Eqv4BUSUyInpfJlIhihSEJxyxh4_5LHCglKZeLmGnA>
> >
> > On Aug 12, 2019, at 2:25 PM, Chris Kloth via OSList <
> oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> >
> > Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of a
> project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is pretty
> consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
> >
> > That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
> powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to start a
> very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he thought this
> approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it clear that he was sure
> labor issues over wages and other workplace issues would probably come up
> and that there was no way these could be addressed in such a setting.
> >
> > I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
> would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and requested
> that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to listen to the
> workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
> >
> > No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round and
> was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big time. I
> will admit I was nervous.
> >
> > The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
> minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n the
> valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the second
> round the company president faxed from the other site that their ideas were
> all valuable and could be implemented!
> >
> > The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and
> optimism.
> >
> > --
> > Shalom,
> >
> > Chris Kloth
> > ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> > 254 South Merkle Road
> > Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> > ph 614-239-1336
> > fax 614-237-2347
> > www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> <http://www.got2change.com/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> >
> >
> > Think globally. Act locally.
> >
> >
> > Quoting Jake Yeager <jacob.yea...@gmail.com <mailto:
> jacob.yea...@gmail.com>>:
> >
> >> Hey Chris,
> >>
> >> Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
> >> experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
> >> active!
> >>
> >> If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
> >>
> >>   - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the non-profit
> >>   partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
> >>   - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
> sites.
> >>   I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you recommend
> for
> >>   executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
> >>
> >> Thank you so much Chris!
> >>
> >> Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
> >> executing OS cross-site, please do!
> >>
> >> All the best,
> >> Jake
> >> ________________
> >>
> >> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
> >> you will be free of problems.
> >> - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <
> chris.kl...@got2change.com <mailto:chris.kl...@got2change.com>>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
> >>> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
> >>> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
> >>> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
> >>> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
> >>> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
> >>> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
> >>> structure.
> >>>
> >>> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
> >>> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
> >>> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
> >>> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
> >>> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
> >>> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Shalom,
> >>>
> >>> Chris Kloth
> >>> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> >>> 254 South Merkle Road
> >>> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> >>> ph 614-239-1336
> >>> fax 614-237-2347
> >>> www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> >>>
> >>> Think globally. Act locally.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> >>>
> >>> > Hi all,
> >>> >
> >>> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
> statement
> >>> or
> >>> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
> >>> recommendations?
> >>> >
> >>> > Thanks!
> >>> >
> >>> > Much love as always,
> >>> > Jake
> >>> >
> >>> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
> >>> > ________________
> >>> >
> >>> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
> and
> >>> > you will be free of problems.
> >>> >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > OSList mailing list
> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To unsubscribe send an email to oslist-le...@lists.openspacetech.org
> > To subscribe or manage your subscription click below:
> > http://lists.openspacetech.org/listinfo.cgi/oslist-openspacetech.org
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=yJHGONHGis1mmm1umSiSsZIGJbxPalZoe9B474v0QDkyn7_y-B0sYY1Y5wI7JtJAbeWZRQoJYL9sImCPJXAQsYplGiRoni9jsjPgXETYVFWXSLhd4aifKjle0tf3PEpsEgjIjjQLdX8S1RczXDXOB0D02j8bc84SVzwm3sThGIoKY7sRAGQx-EWMxEUqCF32FcKNgqzwHMVULr6p577Y4gK3duVK3SfPKULQYor9HC8imrU53XsiQUMreUTqtMpOUebFAy6worsNjbGdDOltTg>
> > Past archives can be viewed here:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=VDvAFIBhTZ_jNNDwbqdMCvUziAaYTAGpOPkssotCaswMHHjbhxhGBzy8VnMur1DeSW8S2Ug5vvY33QPo7zjlA1iW_aQM_woE-MhZnuxE1uJcrIr4s3WNeuFGOqMYhUI-jo295Kw-6q4koJEggRWWnxOdnsIhsR1Exk2mh548Reho5TagXyy6koV7cXj6TtTuEhSNp7F76ljGyk7-MuAqJwOIhIAKZkE2t8vJmAV3D3DI-BaTfnZd4c9nQ8bvXrRGSMCzS_D2C-pzgPbcMgZBxA>
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 07:54:31 -0400
> From: Jake Yeager <jacob.yea...@gmail.com>
> Cc: World wide Open Space Technology email list
>         <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Subject: Re: [OSList] OST for Mission/Vision and Strategic Planning?
> Message-ID:
>         <CAESAiLT2+Aa=KQKctTAwMwryHpSy4owZBfCyVcgJsX=
> ek0q...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Thank you everyone for your replies! They are very, very helpful.
> I have contracted with an internal client who is interested in using OST.
> His team is cross-site, so these suggestions and experiences are
> invaluable. It really is about experimenting, identifying what works, and
> sharing my experience with others to move the work forward. Oh, and
> trusting the people. :)
> Thanks again!
> Much love,
> Jake
> ________________
> When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again, and
> you will be free of problems.
>  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 5:25 PM Chris Kloth <chris.kl...@got2change.com>
> wrote:
> > Jake, I hope to get back to you by this weekend. I am in the middle of
> > a project with Prosecutor Impact (see Adam Foss' Ted Talk) that is
> > pretty consuming. I know I have the file somewhere.
> >
> > That said, Michael's comment about what's on the wall triggered a
> > powerful memory. When I got to my site the night before we were to
> > start a very resistant top executive made it clear to me that he
> > thought this approach a ridiculous waste of time. He also made it
> > clear that he was sure labor issues over wages and other workplace
> > issues would probably come up and that there was no way these could be
> > addressed in such a setting.
> >
> > I thanked him for sharing his concerns and observed that labor issues
> > would probably come up if it mattered to those in the room and
> > requested that he trust me that it would be okay. I also asked him to
> > listen to the workers talk and resist taking charge of the subject.
> >
> > No surprise that the topic came up at both sites in the first round
> > and was attended by almost everyone at my site. He scowled at me big
> > time. I will admit I was nervous.
> >
> > The 90 minute session went roughly like this: 30 of frustration, 30
> > minutes of "We are all in this together and still have the best jobs n
> > the valley" and 30 minutes of developing strategies. By the end of the
> > second round the company president faxed from the other site that
> > their ideas were all valuable and could be implemented!
> >
> > The rest of the day was amazingly full of energy, excitement, and
> optimism.
> >
> > --
> > Shalom,
> >
> > Chris Kloth
> > ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> > 254 South Merkle Road
> > Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> > ph 614-239-1336
> > fax 614-237-2347
> > www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> >
> > Think globally. Act locally.
> >
> >
> > Quoting Jake Yeager <jacob.yea...@gmail.com>:
> >
> > > Hey Chris,
> > >
> > > Thanks so much for your response! It's very helpful to hear your
> > > experience, and it's awesome how the partnership you mentioned is still
> > > active!
> > >
> > > If you don't mind, I have a few follow-up questions for you:
> > >
> > >    - What were the themes for the OSs with Carbarundum and the
> non-profit
> > >    partnership? It seems the groups covered a lot of ground!
> > >    - I am an internal consultant, and our organization has multiple
> > sites.
> > >    I love that you facilitated an OS across sites! What do you
> recommend
> > for
> > >    executing an OS when there are multiple sites?
> > >
> > > Thank you so much Chris!
> > >
> > > Also, if anyone else on the list wants to share recommendations for
> > > executing OS cross-site, please do!
> > >
> > > All the best,
> > > Jake
> > > ________________
> > >
> > > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
> and
> > > you will be free of problems.
> > >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:46 PM Chris Kloth <
> chris.kl...@got2change.com
> > >
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > >> Ralph Copleman, Barbara Bunker, and I used OST with a division of
> > >> Carbarundum that had just been sold. It included virtually 100% of the
> > >> employees of the new organization in two geographic locations
> > >> simultaneously... one in the eastern US and one in the midwest. We had
> > >> ti use dial-up computer access and fax machines to communicate what
> > >> was going on at each location each round! By the end of the process
> > >> there was a new mission, vision, values and basic organization
> > >> structure.
> > >>
> > >> I used OST as part of the process of forming a collaborative
> > >> partnership among 4 nonprofit organizations providing early childhood
> > >> care and education to very different types of children, resulting in a
> > >> mission, vision, and values, as well as articulating a plan for the
> > >> first two years of their partnership. That partnership is now almost
> > >> 25 years old. It's members have internalized the principles of OST.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> Shalom,
> > >>
> > >> Chris Kloth
> > >> ChangeWorks of the Heartland
> > >> 254 South Merkle Road
> > >> Bexley, OH 43209-1801
> > >> ph 614-239-1336
> > >> fax 614-237-2347
> > >> www.got2change.com
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=Y0tP391_m4JoU0LgPYlzoSwgFnX1ftHm_JI1jDDtwtUAJP7uGURk3EXK2XhDF1N8AJVX3ry9_3xWDv-B8pxzIIx9ikgvtQOmVMXxcuCJi4dtV9YTL5qZgJ_sKBll9UJuhQ6FUfUWlXyikINz9ftNZqj-OBeLINr1iUOC6DbW16sLMC9-2qJqIRRLJWZJHLQPH6C7k5N_0WVixa29YwAoVqbuC9J4b62b3hwDe02NY7Y>
> > >>
> > >> Think globally. Act locally.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> Quoting Jake Yeager via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>:
> > >>
> > >> > Hi all,
> > >> >
> > >> > Has anyone ever used OST 1) to develop a mission and/or vision
> > statement
> > >> or
> > >> > 2) to conduct strategic planning? If so, how did it go? Any
> > >> recommendations?
> > >> >
> > >> > Thanks!
> > >> >
> > >> > Much love as always,
> > >> > Jake
> > >> >
> > >> > P.S. Hope to see you at WOSonOS so I can thank you in person! :)
> > >> > ________________
> > >> >
> > >> > When the mind is quiet, the sun of your heart will shine once again,
> > and
> > >> > you will be free of problems.
> > >> >  - Robert Adams <http://www.robert-adams.info/
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vykSqxRtg6yTfGzLVu0cq33gGPmQwy-fn1o8auIfgs8CpDMt0pOqHELRJrf7FiFA__BXlQpgOtKuse3OfMDEHNqsREdih15THhaJ_eJzysGn3P5Ep15wUnsZtERiYOUHnDJLgD1LMdb2XdOgb66yWx9PWISnfXdcsxfLVixscUvo9AZ5QTiVMIJTWNkVTt0Bq32-FZShsC8WwZbvt_3U5lyDmboiyjMKVgAMjWvuJ3U>
> >
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > >> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> >
> >
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2019 11:11:40 -0400
> From: Tony Budak <tonybu...@tbmw.org>
> To: oslist@lists.openspacetech.org
> Subject: [OSList] Open Space Hangout! Tues Aug 13, 12 PM EDT!
> Message-ID: <646af711-8a01-11f6-b712-b187e0051...@tbmw.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> *Open Space Hang Out is ON for today at NOON est*
> On 8/5/2019 6:49 PM, Tricia Chirumbole via OSList wrote:
> > Hey all!!
> >
> > We'll be hanging out again tomorrow and waiting to see who shows up
> > and what happens! The Open Space hangout will be happening on Zoom
> > this *Tuesday*?- *August 6th **@12 PM Eastern Daylight Time!*
> >
> > Pop in and ask questions, workshop ideas, explore possibilities, share
> > what's up or just listen or say hi! We will gather for 1+ hours - Law
> > of Two feet applies!
> >
> > ** Feel free to pass it one to friends who are not on the list **
> >
> > *
> > *
> >
> > *Sign-up and post topics:*http://bit.ly/OShotline
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=jXdCmGO7Rvhck8sOj1F1KXMln92w1OdzczjH4qdI-JrQPkXgkKtxIkpX_Qyc7iDzK0K8TppqOIpRYx1G-aJtTJB1xRX_FLk3G_qdUVnubaqPmdmfP9HaHJIOZkVGXbI_SyCOcL6WOumkMC6iMokirh8dMffCnNjYrLyTlrSdZcuNJlSOWBknqNAKmBB4qafVdNFn88azIm4RD1tLPwY_5UuFOAYhnYctyLEhMGcqwsI>
> > <
> https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2FOShotline%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3DoBkZA3Cw0JY-Th-4CVHwD0lX_eUmVFzutBSfeLHj-NBXpKimoA2dVvc&h=AT3EriBNmyPD6XM8zrjU1aDeHox8SvWeiUD_rLaR2l7SNxhY9R4-4nhbXOvsT4N5ndEnjSVugLE1qzJYz3HBxFgxZ48AJSv43iprYDQd3hUxG1ZnxvFMiLmRqz_WflT1sPv4Y6yIKpUyfQoLfj_s-e8-wmMXWwEM
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=VXzc3svORRT2_MMMx2E3YYW5cH55G-O2uqR-zvOG_ZGzZ9naVtqjt8J80z_F-hme1X4Um_sbBC3UJTSGegbpO1VgwS5RNMbiLuwsavzYSkaytS0nVes2HY0Uj1PnLIUkptzW9SKsR4HfLdWJTMNzV-T4K_7qVp33fnxbWDKD4EqpOkAVVCzj6-nhKB7rKxaLincoXFO4-DcqqDEju2BFfCIZQjHsA-1l3tpdUhhdUGEN8q4IHhuZpvUjHPl3I5NY_DgyLjJc0HUHa_fJaa4jK6dSZBXgV3wtXR2SMMFFdxGXAStNXsSfL1DuE1DYd3CYtx05a3tHxWAO8lWt0-LtZ7lSVl0IusjVfAcFy92m4nirXFEGRkg2JTFsZqxg1tJdKhxAtm0DRUfAyudDP7b1Dsn9T9PTRJVZQ1QZdFfZsOwcZpI_2coz1FTKqLudc-NCl6hAhDK5WpsnP2WWhVkENmRIl6jb3b8Tz5klCszqn8dDY28pyhj9iE_oG5bbD7qQHGwagwKgmWegqiP4iRrONhDBB10qIC_-hb5iIkzRrLrPfTzmxKii6vRocaC2J81Fbwp9eUbPyWuEHTtHWlpFsg>
> >
> >
> > Join the call from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
> > https://zoom.us/j/751609912
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=b9WHn6_P4R1bTNwUKouuSpG3qPsnbiwhXX93TJWLWdCdkIl6BRZsmoWTwIDxMzfj_NykhcKd6GhGPoDs7KAwRfMk7cRb87pCP6ZlabJWiufHE52mh0Jlyi9mqFQ7PJLk4ifZuD4tQaGLNfjkJlYZw5kBpcJe2_O5HghcjkxQvrYrH4hGuWKuRIvULpNPvE_nxIr4yQK-zNVR1BFt3O8Md6RD40IA3kp_QMy_lJLtsSQ>
> > <
> https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fzoom.us%2Fj%2F751609912%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3ss5hBQ-JLpO-GTDJju7fiGOYwfgFMHS9JT6woDCHFnyCMG7aEx15iu2I&h=AT01X3Khii4q1Lfad9ieXDAeORDoaOXLGtxmuj9DwZjTxQMWmvdcpfJdJLMJVIKtvm1up1VhQfOhuSM7nHOrGE-_TfpYirPTk0rqaNSKkx5J7vxAG3Yr3GoWLBT3_n12gdINCvwdATanWIrs19uhXQEbFms6IzYQ
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=vjdf4CpQ0CXQpF61JxK1HYeyKVhhJSMMuTyMG0M8JS8eqEMfJRwcuTDCC5Cpv74h3ElDwKtAx5uQ1nkelxN2Olpb3LyXNEjBbpXjqkB6pR3q2u9m39YC9gitJf62hDzScBuzaVZGLd-4w6Gne-s6MSiaEhDifDyF-Slm7nXllDvNdoWGn6SHv6wLKc1JFv_NvzHkstlqD-UJEgav51zYOrbDFZaXP6NlZNKHzg9V49wdt4mjk5WKucttCbDEgxcbjaYmFBL5x1YGK4ZfEeQCvtYEMHJCugjQoGQqJ6ilhys3kHOKgOuNedpvZgCuej_OaS-BcCzWd363lOz_nxgb-iOmjjB01yaIw3XUUyfYzPDFHeyZGbrE0g9DUWSFncrMMtShGOElfwzAwpbpQCs4OszgBekS2BvVnqzXggP7PWXBc0bDYsHVgbQ-R9LkUOf01xMVnbrb7lFRrcZet54EZPoQouNYbgRzQHy2R6ZOcu9ixqaQ140bkewYzu_iVFLhk48s5fLj1lG3J-BUWeKZS1XV12YaUjNpk7FHuWLpUw-on3eyXYHRDqI3rlsoji7ezfdumvE7qR1gczU5HXHnKw>
> >
> >
> > a. Join by phone: +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 (US Toll)
> >
> > b. International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=kMZT13I8ZCVIB_r_yngLgo4TnARGsyWEM97WTDuv78HeMQMHvg16H1wPyC9if4PgeG_8WgN6XT4aWkNi-rCAgHzhTIVOG6gPsMx1_GjlKtjlTdybzxc11cLytbo__ElTwbyMp35s9J3LPGmq-nv4pkRkw5zXhX0kfzm0_sHI3tRoazkxj4c82ff5AA6RedwzTyKeZ806yJGuDdqL5_HA9ObMEc1pRNgOGhPonC9k408>
> > <
> https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fzoom.us%2Fzoomconference%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2B_gqMszU1pPTHR5XS1FORfEdQsYtnzSzrsG6Q2A4LXu9jqv7r5rhsNFc&h=AT1nqg9hjlVwmGsrHUYUNc9FZUBNBhHt56J5g3511OI93kKXny_wNWuvSda6J3LPyzvHsgxiQixXbnmRJZrzWiBWAH6WS8n0uIQGYjTPPOCj214a8pBI1Bfslm-0AbZV8NxTmuFl6SzoUM3ay2o
> <https://url6.mailanyone.net/v1/?m=1hxwxH-0003Qy-5Z&i=57e1b682&c=TGOmRnNbvvfcKd4McEoJ05vCd5ohJoYN_gMvxf5PMJzkQ5NIh32SwY_eWIQyzEO-7gIaI_droCT4RSfc8o96yWtXoODZv5tPtDiIy8pnHkBY0vMXQyTjeLw3k5Fqdo1h3TVQ9qXlhgYbjShtSbZlugLA6BQviZLUf4Y8uisaUpPQXGNMDtwLP9yKiRAjcpRYd3wvS1VQPrI69hoGNGajRCPvuC14eiMZys6Kt2kQxTS_ppoxgKC4XJ3J0bPwfbTODTNQSyk-rYzFqtvCK8WXBfFksS9nA_nZZsx3GGdHkb3urPfh-pncg5oXTcqCyzyeSqsS75ajGa9NB1yDGrWCknZAkOC23Fbt2_2Nt7AuFjSyekN6ahpKkl6LhK5anrS4oO6C1IMh6iKbD0UJ53qGC2ordU60SQIN5eMk4n1gs9XJpBFe5xAiY1Q0qqxYUazttOjDc9HMyl1XeRnCBarnHqIuMdZN97qL3dK5ORpGqUFWfrQszkMsIjGDEm7m0NEXacjUKpaTfg048QCvjxGPOjHHBoNtV-olRclfe2TLLd4AgomZEtY0jc8oXK9bv1aX>
> >
> >
> > c. Meeting ID: 751 609 912
> >
> >
> > Until then!
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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> > To post send emails to OSList@lists.openspacetech.org
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> > Past archives can be viewed here:
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> >
> ------------------------------
> Subject: Digest Footer
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> ------------------------------
> End of OSList Digest, Vol 100, Issue 11
> ***************************************
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