Right here. Here are the links for the Tao of Holding Space and if you’d like a 
beautiful designed copy email me for details. 



> On Aug 21, 2019, at 11:38 AM, Harrison Owen via OSList 
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Paul – Wonderful to hear from you! And… several years ago I was in Beijing 
> with peers, colleagues and friends who collectively had doubtless done many 
> more OSTs than I – all in a most challenging environment. They asked me to 
> say something and I replied that actually I thought it had all been said some 
> 3000 years ago by a marvelous person, Lao Tzu. And I think you would be 
> interested in a wonderful book done by an old friend, Chris Corrigan called 
> the “Tao of Holding Space.” Chris shows up here (OSLIST) more than 
> occasionally – Chris where are you? I think he put it up (PDF) online??? You 
> will enjoy.
> Harrison
> From: Paul Nunesdea [mailto:p.nunes...@architectingcollaboration.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2019 2:11 PM
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list
> Cc: Harrison Owen
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Okay...Forget Certification then...How about 
> Co-Creating a NEW OST ASSOCIATION? Such as...THE International Association 
> for Peace and Human Understanding...?
> Greetings HO, I have been away from this list except when something 
> extraordinarily contentious happens here, and I got attracted by the 
> certification subject. 
> Yes, just to say I am among those that used OST by reading your book + an 
> extremely helpful and long coaching call from Lisa Heft - the Open Space 
> Community's Mary Magdalene. 
> Since then the power of self-organization never ceased to amaze me, and to be 
> honest my most precious ally when big challenges are faced. 
> I have written books about group facilitation in my mother languages, I argue 
> OST is the ultimate group facilitation methodology, inspired by seminal work 
> of very dear IAF colleagues (and your disciples?) here in Europe, Gerardo de 
> Luzemberg and Jean-Philippe Poupard. 
> And your answer below, reinforces my faith on this absolute mystery of 
> self-organization that have been helping me so much. 
> Tanks for the unsuspected Dee Hock's book recommendation, I will read it 
> next. 
> I apologize Listers if this other unsuspected reference below has already 
> been discussed here before, but I recently re-discovered Lao Tzu book Tao Te 
> Ching (the book of the way) and cannot think about the resemblances with your 
> discoveries HO. 
> If you like listening instead of reading, this is an amazing free resource on 
> Youtube: 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2UYch2JnO4 
> I suspect Lao Tzu's interpretation of what the master will do about OST's 
> certification is just about what you have written below, beloved father. 
> Best wishes
> Paul Nunesdea | Paulo Nunes de Abreu 
> https://www.architectingcollaboration.com/
> On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 at 23:15, Harrison Owen via OSList 
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Barry -- your notion about "scale" -- numbers of people -- is pretty close to 
> the accepted wisdom. Summed up in the old refrain, Some day we got to get 
> organized! Especially when we get bigger. Certainly makes sense, keeps a lot 
> of MBA programs in business, but simply doesn't accord with my experience. 
> First in terms of my usual standard reference... Open Spaces. The curious, 
> but I think instructive thing, is that every Open Space that I have 
> facilitated or been a part of -- regardless of size (5- 2108) has been 
> unnervingly the same. 10-15 minutes for opening, 20 min for issue 
> announcement, 30 minutes for market place arrangements (combinations, 
> reschedules, cup of coffee) 1 hour to start of first session -- and from 
> there on it all happened by itself. This has even been true in several 
> situation where a very hard working planning committee worked out every 
> detail in accord with the best meeting management protocols. Looked great on 
> paper, immediately fell apart, and just as quickly self organized, despite 
> their best efforts. Weird!
> Then there is the observed behavior and accomplishments of what we might 
> vaguely call, "The Open Space Community." If you put aside all question of 
> how we got there, the accomplishments I believe are rather impressive. Indeed 
> there are very few HR consulting groups that could come anywhere close. Just 
> take the numbers: 35 years in business, minimum 500,000 "interventions," 
> millions of participants, thousands of facilitators, massive coverage by the 
> international press, and a multitude of imitators -- which is always a 
> complement in a weird way. Not bad if I do say so myself. AND it might be 
> pointed out that all of this took place without a shred of formal 
> organization, no institutional funding, no defined leadership structure, zero 
> effort at standardization or certification. Why would anybody want to change 
> that ... even if you could?
> And then in the REAL WORLD... That would be Corporations, Governments, NGOs 
> -- I can give you any number of examples where such organizations spent 
> millions of $$$ to get organized, failed, -- and then opened some space to 
> accomplish in several days where they had failed miserably for years. I "did" 
> a few of those personally, but in most cases (if I was directly involved) I 
> advised that they save a lot of money, buy the book, and do it. And of course 
> there were any number of situations where sensitive participants of one OST 
> simply went out and "did" it again without benefit of book, training, 
> certification. Marvelous!
> And if you want "testimony" from a different, and presumably unbiased source, 
> check out Dee Hock, "Chaordic Organizations."
> Harrison (and -- of course -- also your father.)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barry Owen via OSList <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> To: World wide Open Space Technology email list 
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org>
> Cc: Barry Owen <barryowen...@gmail.com>; Michael M Pannwitz 
> <mmpannw...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tue, Aug 20, 2019 11:10 am
> Subject: Re: [OSList] Okay...Forget Certification then...How about 
> Co-Creating a NEW OST ASSOCIATION? Such as...THE International Association 
> for Peace and Human Understanding...?
> I've been mulling this over for months now. 
> Have come to what I think is a conclusion that blaming the mayhem on 
> "Organisations" is akin to "shooting the messenger" . . . making it a martyr.
> After all, any time there's more than one person present, it's essentially 
> the birth of an "organisation".
> I think the real problem is that of scale.
> It seems to me that, as the number "Members" increases in any "gathering", 
> the perceived "need" for organisation becomes more prevalent.
> As that dynamic evolves, the people seem to "forget" what "brung'm here" . . 
> . That is . . . those things that have never changed
> Breath
> Circle
> Bulletin Board
> Marketplace
> Expect to be (be prepared to be) surprised
> fall by the wayside as more and more "social constructs" emerge thereby 
> converting Open Space to Command and control.
> Oh yeah . . . and "keeping up with the Joneses"
> My opinion is that the "mandate" of "just open more space anywhere and 
> everywhere" is an open invitation for all of us (humanity) to remember to: 
> Breathe
> Name the Theme (Important, Complex, Diversity of People/Opinions, potential 
> for conflict, need for resolution NOW)
> Invite whoever cares
> Gather in a circle
> Create the Bulletin Board
> Open the marketplace
> Get to work!
> and the best news is that everyone already knows how to do this . . . we've 
> just gotta remind them.
> So . . . I think more organisations will "get" this as we open more space 
> every day. 
> They're not broken or corrupt! 
> Bless their hearts . . . They're simply forgetful, and all we've gotta do is 
> remind them.
> or something . . . 
> b
> On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 5:03 AM Michael M Pannwitz via OSList 
> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> my assumption regarding "organisation" is that they are the work of the 
> devil.
> They are omnipresent. There is practically nothing that can do without 
> an "organisation". Government, churches, mafia, health care, schools, 
> prisons, military, restaurants, foundations, associations, universities, 
> concentration camps, secret service, sports, museums, shipyards, 
> daycare, labour unions, political parties, courts, NGOs, NATO, ... you 
> name it.
> Thinking beyond "organisations" seems impossible.
> Working for, in, against, with, through, in spite of, etc. 
> "organisations" is omnipresent.
> And to make things even worse, they all are selforganising, right?
> And despite or because of their existence we have wars, starvation, 
> pollution, glaciers disappearing, crime, corruption, you name it.
> Now, organisations not created by the devil but lets say by God would 
> not create such a mess.
> One of the most lucrative businesses just about everywhere is 
> consulting. Huge consulting firms work with/for/ect. huge businesses, 
> governments, NGOs. Millions of folks work in that field helping them to 
> become better, faster, etc. in the business they are involved in.
> Now, is ost something that consulting firms are into?
> There are some forms of "systems" such as neighborhoods, circles of 
> friends, collegial counselling groups, OSonOS (local, regional, 
> worldwide), people playing soccer with a tin can on a vacant lot, 
> families, demonstrations (HongKong, Fridays for Future...), Stammtische...
> I smile in such settings, happy myself, grow myself... in such 
> "settings" and also frustrate myself now and then. Especially when 
> "control" enters the stage.
> And at some point many such "systems" or "settings" ossify when they 
> take on the form of "organisations". In other words, the devil takes over.
> Some of us smell that when it approaches and say "no". And move on or 
> drop out or fight or...
> Ok, this is stuff that comes up when I look at my "assumption" regarding 
> "organisation".
> I would like to hear more about your "assumptions" that come up when 
> "organisation" enters your mind.
> Greetings from Berlin
> mmp
> Am 20.08.2019 um 00:04 schrieb R Chaffe via OSList:
> > Chris,
> > I look forward to Mark’s reply to your question.  It seems to me that that 
> > the question mixes up the who and the what.  Mark uses a few examples 
> > including a mechanic, the first question I have is what experience the 
> > trade person has my second is an example of their work.  OST is at one 
> > level about the “how” the job is done and I think that is one level the 
> > question comes from.  Being able to Open Space and engage effectively with 
> > the sponsor and the community of concern is an other level again.
> > 
> > There is a level of trust between the sponsor and the facilitator that the 
> > result the sponsor wants will be delivered.  The sponsor might ask how did 
> > you do that? I suggest that they are more interested on what you as 
> > facilitator delivered based on the contract.
> > 
> > In many ways focusing on the how is counter productive the “what” is the 
> > thing that pays the bills and builds reputations.
> > 
> > If my thinking is correct the struggle is to define a professional 
> > facilitator who can deliver is the issue not what tools they use when it 
> > comes to a contract.
> > 
> > Regards
> > Rob
> > 
> >> On 20 Aug 2019, at 2:31 am, Chris Corrigan via OSList 
> >> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> Whenever I want to know if my work of Hosting an Open Space Technology 
> >> meeting was useful, I give the participants a form that sinplay says 
> >> “complete the following sentence. As a result of this meeting...”
> >>
> >> The only people who should be judging the efficacy of an OST meeting are 
> >> the people who called it in the first place to get their work done. In my 
> >> experience, they are happy if the meeting has helped them.
> >>
> >> My work is always directed towards client needs. Some times we do Open 
> >> Space. Sometimes we do it in a way that would drive a “by the book” person 
> >> crazy. But it’s about the clients. I doubt there is a way my process could 
> >> be formalized in a way that works better for my clients than sitting down 
> >> and listening to their needs.
> >>
> >> There is already a network of Open Space Institutes who steward this 
> >> practice. There is an international association of facilitators who can 
> >> join if you want certification.
> >>
> >> I find myself constantly wanting to defend this radical openness. Mark, 
> >> what is behind your string desire for something more formal than what we 
> >> already have?
> >>
> >> Chris.
> >>
> >>
> >> _____________
> >> www.chriscorrigan.com
> >>
> >>> On Aug 19, 2019, at 8:29 AM, Mark Carmel via OSList 
> >>> <oslist@lists.openspacetech.org> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> 1st of all thank you for everyone who gave me feedback on my big idea for 
> >>> certification. It was sincerely appreciated. However I can see it was 
> >>> something that did not  Resonate well.
> >>>
> >>> Open space technology has clearly set the standard for the facilitation 
> >>> of peace and human understanding. It is such a powerful and simple tool 
> >>> but highly complex. As Harrison says..  chaos plows the fields of the 
> >>> mind so that new ideas can grow... I think there is ample chaos for us to 
> >>> tackle right now.
> >>>
> >>> I think it is highly important for the leadership of our open space world 
> >>> to make a decision now while we still have Harrison among us as a living 
> >>> spirit. Because we have already set the standards why not cement the 
> >>> standards and turn it into an everlasting association that could be 
> >>> organized to deliver training, etc. To advance the mission of human peace 
> >>> and understanding in a more organized way?
> >>>
> >>> If you want to be a beautician or a mechanic or a rocket scientist or a 
> >>> city manager there are associations for that .
> >>>
> >>> Why not an association for open space technology practitioners to define 
> >>> the standards, the ethics, code of conduct, the way that Harrison has 
> >>> already articulated them, but to formalize them and help us get organized 
> >>> and stay organized until we get the job done?
> >>>
> >>> Respectfully submitted,
> >>> Mark Carmel
> >>>
> >>>
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> -- 
> Michael M Pannwitz
> Draisweg 1, 12209 Berlin, Germany
> ++49 - 30-772 8000
> mmpannw...@gmail.com
> Check out the Open Space World Map presently showing 487 resident Open 
> Space Workers in 76 countries working in a total of 142 countries worldwide
> www.openspaceworldmap.org
> At my publisher you find books and task cards on open space, most in 
> German, some in English, some as ebooks, some multilingual
> https://www.westkreuz-verlag.de/de/Kommunikation
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> --
> Barry Owen
> Inviter - Facilitator/Practicer of Open Space Technology 
> Opening and Holding safe space for people and organizations to self-organize 
> around important issues and opportunities. 
> Invite - Listen - Love
> 615-568-2123
> BarryOwen.us
> 4004 Hillsboro Pike B234
> Nashville, TN 37215
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