Thank you for your passion and interest in the integrity of OST.

My comments were really a challenge to me that I must as the facilitator
accept whoever comes, we use the word "right" to convey the fact that
everyone who chooses to come has the same status and opportunity.  I must
respect this unconditionally within the framework of the conditions of the

You are so correct in identifying the "weasel" words that are infiltrated
into the system and of course I am not suggesting that rewrites are
required. May I suggest that we stick to the basics and hold them as a rock
to "break ourselves on" as Covey puts it.  So be it. "Whoever comes..."  as
a facilitator I must accept as they have accepted the invitation and in
honouring  that acceptance we are together as one.  The next thing is to
ensure that "everyone"  can be an active component of the OST (Butterflies
and Bumble Bees included).  My recent cancer attack and being a paraplegic
using a wheel chair and other mobility devices just emphasizes the need to
be aware of how easy it is to exclude people from parts of the space.

Mark OST requires a very special dedication on behalf of the facilitator to
understand and implement things like "....right".  To conclude you
emphasize "right"  is a judgement, it is a judgement that I, as a
facilitator or participant, accept rather than make.


On Sat, 28 Sep 2019 at 23:54, Mark Carmel via OSList <> wrote:

> OST is Judgemental by its nature. One of the reasons I advocated for a
> formal, certifying leadership structure for OST is because I am sick and
> tired of reading all kinds of word smithing efforts to rewrite our bible,
> to change, coop, modify as your own brand, the words and writing as it is
> written.  No one enters OST without judgemental motives. What is a better
> way? What is right, wrong, good, bad, how can we as individuals and a
> system improve continuously?  To say the Principle of ...Whoever
> judgemental in an attempt to rewrite it, or ANY part of IT, is HERESY!  Or
> worse, HARRASAY!
> Go Team,
> Mark Carmel
> PS...Ok here's a new one: ...Whoever Comes....Is Lucky...!
> ...You cannot break a Principle. You can only break yourself against a
> Principle...
>  - Dr. Steven Covey
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