How does Open Space Technology help us experience harmony, wholeness?  This
may well be the most ineffable idea in today’s busy world.  Life seems to
present moments of such harmoniousness and we may notice them when they
happen and then forget them.  They don’t get highlighted as something
possible on any dependable scale, so they get passed over, dismissed as a
“nice” experience but most likely we don’t share them.  However, the
artists among us will capture them through their medium. We love the
feelings this work gives us, this reminder of those numinous realities.

What happens in OST?   What are those realities we experience more often
than not while participating in a concentrated time around an invitation
question, an urgency, a group of people sitting in circle, creating an
agenda and sitting with questions, getting to deeper ones?

I believe OST is micro of a macro reality that life’s organism ways provide
for us in every moment.  “Come to the circle, tell us your tale, you are
not the only one who is hurting.”  This phrase from a song written in the
80s by a friend, speaks of the power of OST.  There is something so
powerful about being reminded, you get to choose how and where and when you
give your attention.  It has been called an antidote to the world of
hierarchical dominating meetings, work life and organizationally dead

So I say, I want to capture the ineffable, but how silly that is.  And yet,
we can point to shared experience, to knowledge that goes beyond words, to
celebrate this most amazing, awe-generating process abiding in living
structures, living “becoming” events that are *alivenmaking*.  Let’s listen
for the harmonies, for the moments of felt sensing our wholeness, our
unity, and our differences at the same time.  This is a “both and world,”
not an “either/or” one.  It takes work only in that we remember what we can
easily forget with distractions and constant “busy-ness.”  Notice when
those moments of peacefulness enter into the “field” when we take a long
breath and let it out fully, sitting with one another without needing to
fix or change ourselves, or the other. What are your experiences of
“fulfillment” of listening in to deep knowledge of being alive?

One OST participant spoke of it as something one cannot talk about, but to
experience it is to have lived, feeling aliveness and we want it more and
more. Then we want others to have the experience so we try to talk about it.
I say, “Come to the Circle, tell us your tale, you are not the only one who
is hurting.”

The storyteller tells his tales and we remember those times his stories
happened in our lives, or we make sense of a story we have not understood
about our tale. Then we begin again with a new story.  Keep coming to the
circle, telling us your tales, one and all.

Blessings to all this week for great WOSONOS in DC.

Song *Healing Circle* is by Julia Hickory 1984, Album Joyful Noise and
Friends *Birdsong Morning*

*Healing Circle*

Come to the Circle

Listen to our tales

You will find you’re not the only one who’s hurting

And the light may shine in

This is where we begin

The magic of our healing

Alone in your room, you think you’re the only one

And you’re wondering if your might be crazy

So you lock all the pain and the shame deep inside

And your skies are always dark and hazy

But if you Come to the Circle

Tell us your tales

The light will shine in,

This is where we begin

The magic work of our healing.

You are not unimportant, we need all the words

And the melodies to harmonize

The darker the shadows, the brighter the sun

And your tears are the stars in our eyes.

So won’t you Come to the Circle

Tell us your tales

And the light will shine in

This is where we begin

The magic work of our healing

*Skye HIrst, PhD*

*Conversations in Radical WholeKnowing*
*Just-in-Time Coaching and Consulting*
Twitter  @autognomics
207-691-3172  mobile

*"There is no final fact." * Alfred North Whitehead

*"Nature ever flows, stands never still. Motion or change is her mode of
*- Ralph Waldo Emerson*
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