Dear Thomas,

there are 4 os colleague in Malaysia.
Have a look here

I have been in touch with Susanna George

who is a whirlwind and I know would help. But then there a three more. None live in Penang, as far as I can tell.

One of my sons is vacationing on a small island belonging to Cambodia. He just reported getting air tickets from Phnom Penh on March 27 to Duesseldorf/Germany... so there is some transportation from Asia.

Best luck

21.03.2020 um 17:15 schrieb Thomas Herrmann via OSList:
Dear friends in Open Space

One of my best friends has a son stuck in Penang, Malaysia. Looks like he can’t get back to Sweden and it would feel good for them if he had someone who could help him if he would need assistance. Please get in touch with me if you know anyone in Penang or elsewhere in Malaysia. If so, please send me an email to make this connection

My son is in Nepal but I found a family he can turn to if he would need assistance.

All the best

Thomas Herrmann

Open Space Consulting AB

Pensévägen 4, 434 46 Kungsbacka, Sweden

Telefon: +46 (0)709 98 97 81


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