Dear Rolf,

exchange is what OSLIST thrives on.

For me, it is (was) THE worldwide place for reflecting and learning and unfolding about my working and living as an os facilitator... in addition to my regular interaction in local, regional and worldwide OSonOS, including the Stammtische in Berlin (inactive for the duration of physical contact restrictions with the hope that the WOSonOS in Berlin in October of this year will be possible and, of course, Stammtische again...).

Looking at the 5 or so prerequisites for the unfolding of selforganisation (the center of my craft), I have always looked specifically at "diversity" (or as some say "getting the whole system in the room") and advocated that our os-exchanges would profit from high diversity as far as participants are concerned. I always felt that "diversity" was one of the prerequisites that we have some influence in. For instance, who all we would invite to our events (including OSLIST).

Looking at that aspect, diversity can be expanded in the same way as we suggest to our clients. Usually, we ask some simple questions in the planning stage of an event, such as "who all needs to be at the event to increase the chance for fullfilling both our aspirations we have around the "burning business issue" and the chance for action on the stuff that we feel needs to be taken?".

Often, I have found that in answering this question some pretty relevant groups were not in focus, such as "the customer" which, in a school setting, might be the students, in a parish the folks that attend the worships, in a company that specialises on "customer tailored nutritional products" the consumers of those products... or, in an os for the future of an NGO the folks that provide the finances or the government agencies that are needed for cooperation or the competitors in the same or related fields.

Now, my and the efforts of others to increase "diversity" in "our" events have been only partially successful. Asking ourselves the "diversity" question certainly surface those that should be invited. For an Open Space Learning Exchange or other events we invite to for reflection and learning etc. that might be:

--- our clients
--- children
--- scholars, scientists, researchers
--- facilitators of all kinds
--- caterers
--- facility managers
--- event managers in hotels etc. where os events take place
--- journalists (newspapers, scientific journals, radio, TV, internet...)
--- non-facilitators that are curious
--- former participants of os events
--- writers that have produced works around ost

If we had a planning meeting, this list would certainly be expanded.

In this spirit, we would help expand time and space for selforganisation... any time, corona, war, hurricanes, climate change, you name it... even in peace and other happy times.

Apart from expanding on this I presently am participating in efforts in my immediate familiy, our neighborhood, in Berlin and so on, to slow down the spread of Corona to find ways to live with it.

Personally, I am enjoying some of the side effects of the presently challenging situation: practically no contrails over Berlin with clear skies and many more stars than usual, the reduction of noise (hardly any cars), the enormous unfolding of actions in civil society... in the face of closed schools, limiting contact restrictions, a dearth of protective masks, shortage of toilet paper... what have you.

Greetings from Berlin and looking forward to analog hugs maybe definitely at the WOSonOS this fall

Am 31.03.2020 um 09:46 schrieb Rolf Schneidereit via OSList:
Dear Mates,

would like to get your feedback. I'm wondering: is now the time to intensify 
the exchange between tribes like Art of Hosting, Open Space, Liberating 
Structures, World Café; Theory U and many others?

With all individual differences - we share extraordinary times. We're facing an 
urgent crisis which will cost many lives, we're shure to expect the next 
economical crisis and we're amid the fast expanding crisis of the ecosystem and 
the climate.

Could it be helpful in this situation if the different streams for liberation, 
participation, collective intelligence, deep dialogue and so on comes together 
to share their insights, their initiatives, their gifts? How can we support 
each other to support the common good and the necessary transition?

What do you think and sense? I'm going to sent this question to the AoH- and 
the OS-List. If this call resonates with you feel free to sent it to other 
communities you belong to.

And how?
The idea appears after a virtual Open Space. One insight: We can do a really 
large gathering online. After that I've offered Lucas Cioffi from Qiqochat a 
sponsorship for an online event with up to 300 participants but he declined: He 
will offer the use of Qiqochat for such an event for free! What we can do there 
(for example):
- Check-in (perhaps as Impromptu Networking)
- conversation café in small circles (recommendation of Christine Koehler)
- Open Space
- Harvesting
- Check-out

If there is a encouraging feedback the next step will be a first preparation 
(zoom) call. Can you imagine to support and host such a call?

Looking forward to your response
(or not - following the Law of two feets)

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Michael M Pannwitz
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