Funda -- Sounds like you will have a good time. My  answer to your question
("How much space...") is "As little as possible." My experience opening
space was always enjoyable, but some times it just went through the roof.
Great things happened. Spirit was super high -- and as I was leaving the
venue somebody would come up to me with a curious look and say, "who are


On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 8:41 AM Funda Oral via OSList <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I will run a one hour workshop at the Facilitators' Summit of the
> International Facilitators Association in October.
> I wanted to discuss
> *"Where does the Facilitator Stand in Space?"*
> In fact I would like to introduce the idea of not being afraid of *"asking
> questions" *to open space and spaces,
> facilitating the divergence phase and moving to convergence properly,
> giving and holding necessary time and space for these.
> In the meantime, I would like to discuss with the participants where the
> facilitator should stand? *how much space*
> *should she/he must have, occupy? *
> I appreciate any ideas/suggestions for a short title of the workshop?
> Thanks in advance,
> Funda Oral
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