Follow the energy….Phelim..yay for clues!

Feels like you are peeking around the corner
into the future

it shall be revealed.. 

wayfinders all….

Facilitating Integrative Leadership Practices 
Embodying Creativity 
Revealing a Presencing Approach




> On Jul 29, 2021, at 11:32, Phelim McDermott via OSList 
> <> wrote:
> Thanks Romy and the beautiful inspiring words are more from Matilda than me 
> of course!  Love to you Phelimx 
>> On 29 Jul 2021, at 16:23, Romy Shovelton via OSList 
>> <> wrote:
>> Dear Phelim……. Your speaking is SO inspired…… words are now flowing onto 
>> paper here …. and will be with you in the coming hours/ days….
>> Your home is coming….. coming home indeed…..
>> with love…. 😊
>> Romy
>> Romy Shovelton
>> Executive Director
>> Wikima and the 5* Tyddyn Retreat
>> Mid Wales Venue & Holiday Cottages
>>> On 29 Jul 2021, at 15:15, Phelim McDermott via OSList 
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Dear Open space friends, 
>>> I’m sure some of you have already seen this but I wanted to share this 
>>> invitation with the Oslist from Improbable. As you know we’ve been on a big 
>>> journey of invitation with our Devoted and Disgruntled events over the 
>>> years and the building of a community who have used and spread the practice 
>>> of opening space in the theatre world and beyond. See here if you are 
>>> interested.
>>> We’ve been in a period of space opening as the pandemic took us into 
>>> stillness and then online in the theatre world. Now it’s time to open space 
>>> to come home. We’ve decided to do it through Invitation, Art and 
>>> Conversation.. 
>>> I’m never quite sure if things copied in appear in the OS list so forgive 
>>> me that I’ve included the text twice and also i’ve include the link to our 
>>> website if this doesn't come through. Do let us know if you have any 
>>> thoughts or straws you’d like to share.
>>> Lots of Love Phelim
>>> <e39b00b4-af68-4c74-8b13-774299560d46.png>
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>>> The Gathering
>>> Improbable are moving…
>>> But to where? Maybe you can help us to find out.
>>> This is an invitation to work with us on the next big Improbable project, 
>>> which is taking an unprecedented form. This is surprising for a company 
>>> that has explored so many diverse forms to date: we’ve done plays, operas, 
>>> puppetry, panto, musicals, big outdoor spectacles, small indoor Impros. 
>>> What else is left? Here’s one thing the company has never yet done: created 
>>> a home.
>>> We’ve had small offices. Plenty of those. But to do the creative work we 
>>> have always rented, begged, borrowed, been asked into, other peoples’ 
>>> spaces. And now, after twenty-five years, we want a space of our own.
>>> Not a venue. Not a ticketed theatre. An Improbable space. A playful one. A 
>>> porous one. One that can welcome and hold all the roles - those with 
>>> tickets and those without. A place to share the work, make the work, or 
>>> take a break from the work and just hang out.
>>> Why?
>>> Some of us are getting old. Older. Pushing fifty, sixty. The dream of a 
>>> home is the dream of a place to house the practice, so that we can both 
>>> deepen it and pass it on. If Improbable were on a hero’s journey, now would 
>>> be the time for us to bring the gift back home - but we need a home to 
>>> bring it home to.
>>> During the pandemic the only space we had, the office space, had to go 
>>> online. We have done a huge amount of work like this - remotely - and now, 
>>> as things start to re-open, if we are to move back into a real, embodied 
>>> space, we want it to be a creative one. The pandemic has also made us less 
>>> London-centric, so we could go, almost, anywhere. But we want to be 
>>> somewhere that we want to be, and somewhere that wants to have us. 
>>> Somewhere other people would want to come. So, we are thinking landscape - 
>>> not inside a city but near enough to one to be within reach.
>>> But where?
>>> We do not know, but we are quite good at not knowing. If there is one thing 
>>> that we have been practicing these last twenty-five years, it’s that - the 
>>> art of not knowing.
>>> One thing we do, when we do not know what to do is this - we invite in all 
>>> the voices, the professional, the personal, the irreverent and the 
>>> seemingly irrelevant, the incidental, the marginalised, the dead and gone, 
>>> the ghosts. And then we listen to them. This is how we make our shows. Put 
>>> the voices and all the things they have to say, all the images they bring 
>>> with them, into the middle of the room, making a strange, haphazard 
>>> collection of stuff, a great pile of straw, and then we see what we can 
>>> create from them, what gold we can spin from them, or - better still - we 
>>> wait and see what wants to be spun. This time what we are hoping to spin is 
>>> a home.
>>> And this is where you come in.
>>> Because for this project, yours is one of the voices we want to invite 
>>> in....
>>> Much of Improbable’s work to date has centred around building community, 
>>> whether that is the temporary community of a show - a group of performers - 
>>> or the whole artistic community that comes together at our Devoted and 
>>> Disgruntled Open Space events. We know we cannot do this new, home-making 
>>> project alone - it is going to be a big collaboration, our biggest to date. 
>>> We are not like Jack - we cannot just go and build ourselves a house. We 
>>> are going to need the help of builders, farmers, estate agents, architects, 
>>> entrepreneurs, ecologists, funders, artists, children, animals. Trees too. 
>>> Stones. And we are going to need help at every stage, including now, at the 
>>> dreaming, wondering, questioning stage.
>>> We are on a treasure hunt. We are on the look out for clues, like strands 
>>> of straw, and they could come from anywhere. At the moment, Phelim’s and 
>>> Matilda’s son, Riddley, is doing a project at school to build a model of a 
>>> shelter, some form of dwelling. Phelim and Matilda went with him to the 
>>> Weald and Downland Museum in West Sussex at the weekend and saw some old 
>>> buildings- thatched roofs, wattle and daubed walls, as well as a beautiful 
>>> gridshell construction, like an upturned ark - that felt like a clue.
>>> On the way back, driving in the car, they slowed down, seeing something in 
>>> the road - it was an owl, perched on the ground, staring, having just 
>>> killed a rabbit. It flew away with the rabbit in its claws. That felt like 
>>> another clue.
>>> We don't know what any of these clues mean. We do not need to know that 
>>> yet. As with a show, at present we are simply searching, gathering. We’ve 
>>> been having conversations with other artists, other home-owners, inviting 
>>> in different voices, collecting clues. This, now, is us widening the 
>>> conversation further, to include you, whoever you are reading this, however 
>>> you have or haven’t engaged with Improbable till now. Because you might 
>>> have a clue. It could be a place you know which you love that you want to 
>>> tell us about. It could be a memory you have from a show we once did. It 
>>> could be a dream. It could be a photo. It could be a book. It could be you 
>>> - you could be a clue.
>>> Imagine we are all sitting in a circle, a growing circle, like at an Open 
>>> Space event, like every show we have ever made has started. If you have any 
>>> clues, any strands of straw you wish to add to the pile in the middle 
>>> please do - leave a comment on our website, or get in touch - email 
>>> We need all the straw we can get - we have a big 
>>> dream, a whole home to build.
>>> Phelim, Lee, Matilda
>>> July 2021
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>>> <749494cb-bd86-48d5-b1c0-9dfd8ba7890a.png>
>>> Improbable is a National Portfolio Organisation of Arts Council England
>>> Copyright © 2021 Improbable. All rights reserved.
>>> You have received this email because you are on the Improbable Mailing 
>>> List. To update your profile or unsubscribe, please follow the links below. 
>>> If you have any queries, suggestions or complaints, please email 
>>> Our mailing address is:
>>> Improbable c/o PopHub, 41 Whitcomb Street, London WC2H 7DT, United Kingdom
>>> The Gathering
>>> Improbable are moving…
>>> But to where? Maybe you can help us to find out.
>>> This is an invitation to work with us on the next big Improbable project, 
>>> which is taking an unprecedented form. This is surprising for a company 
>>> that has explored so many diverse forms to date: we’ve done plays, operas, 
>>> puppetry, panto, musicals, big outdoor spectacles, small indoor Impros. 
>>> What else is left? Here’s one thing the company has never yet done: created 
>>> a home.
>>> We’ve had small offices. Plenty of those. But to do the creative work we 
>>> have always rented, begged, borrowed, been asked into, other peoples’ 
>>> spaces. And now, after twenty-five years, we want a space of our own.
>>> Not a venue. Not a ticketed theatre. An Improbable space. A playful one. A 
>>> porous one. One that can welcome and hold all the roles - those with 
>>> tickets and those without. A place to share the work, make the work, or 
>>> take a break from the work and just hang out.
>>> Why?
>>> Some of us are getting old. Older. Pushing fifty, sixty. The dream of a 
>>> home is the dream of a place to house the practice, so that we can both 
>>> deepen it and pass it on. If Improbable were on a hero’s journey, now would 
>>> be the time for us to bring the gift back home - but we need a home to 
>>> bring it home to.
>>> During the pandemic the only space we had, the office space, had to go 
>>> online. We have done a huge amount of work like this - remotely - and now, 
>>> as things start to re-open, if we are to move back into a real, embodied 
>>> space, we want it to be a creative one. The pandemic has also made us less 
>>> London-centric, so we could go, almost, anywhere. But we want to be 
>>> somewhere that we want to be, and somewhere that wants to have us. 
>>> Somewhere other people would want to come. So, we are thinking landscape - 
>>> not inside a city but near enough to one to be within reach.
>>> But where?
>>> We do not know, but we are quite good at not knowing. If there is one thing 
>>> that we have been practicing these last twenty-five years, it’s that - the 
>>> art of not knowing.
>>> One thing we do, when we do not know what to do is this - we invite in all 
>>> the voices, the professional, the personal, the irreverent and the 
>>> seemingly irrelevant, the incidental, the marginalised, the dead and gone, 
>>> the ghosts. And then we listen to them. This is how we make our shows. Put 
>>> the voices and all the things they have to say, all the images they bring 
>>> with them, into the middle of the room, making a strange, haphazard 
>>> collection of stuff, a great pile of straw, and then we see what we can 
>>> create from them, what gold we can spin from them, or - better still - we 
>>> wait and see what wants to be spun. This time what we are hoping to spin is 
>>> a home.
>>> And this is where you come in.
>>> Because for this project, yours is one of the voices we want to invite 
>>> in....
>>> Much of Improbable’s work to date has centred around building community, 
>>> whether that is the temporary community of a show - a group of performers - 
>>> or the whole artistic community that comes together at our Devoted and 
>>> Disgruntled Open Space events. We know we cannot do this new, home-making 
>>> project alone - it is going to be a big collaboration, our biggest to date. 
>>> We are not like Jack - we cannot just go and build ourselves a house. We 
>>> are going to need the help of builders, farmers, estate agents, architects, 
>>> entrepreneurs, ecologists, funders, artists, children, animals. Trees too. 
>>> Stones. And we are going to need help at every stage, including now, at the 
>>> dreaming, wondering, questioning stage.
>>> We are on a treasure hunt. We are on the look out for clues, like strands 
>>> of straw, and they could come from anywhere. At the moment, Phelim’s and 
>>> Matilda’s son, Riddley, is doing a project at school to build a model of a 
>>> shelter, some form of dwelling. Phelim and Matilda went with him to the 
>>> Weald and Downland Museum in West Sussex at the weekend and saw some old 
>>> buildings- thatched roofs, wattle and daubed walls, as well as a beautiful 
>>> gridshell construction, like an upturned ark - that felt like a clue.
>>> On the way back, driving in the car, they slowed down, seeing something in 
>>> the road - it was an owl, perched on the ground, staring, having just 
>>> killed a rabbit. It flew away with the rabbit in its claws. That felt like 
>>> another clue.
>>> We don't know what any of these clues mean. We do not need to know that 
>>> yet. As with a show, at present we are simply searching, gathering. We’ve 
>>> been having conversations with other artists, other home-owners, inviting 
>>> in different voices, collecting clues. This, now, is us widening the 
>>> conversation further, to include you, whoever you are reading this, however 
>>> you have or haven’t engaged with Improbable till now. Because you might 
>>> have a clue. It could be a place you know which you love that you want to 
>>> tell us about. It could be a memory you have from a show we once did. It 
>>> could be a dream. It could be a photo. It could be a book. It could be you 
>>> - you could be a clue.
>>> Imagine we are all sitting in a circle, a growing circle, like at an Open 
>>> Space event, like every show we have ever made has started. If you have any 
>>> clues, any strands of straw you wish to add to the pile in the middle 
>>> please do - leave a comment on our website, or get in touch - email 
>>> We need all the straw we can get - we have a big 
>>> dream, a whole home to build.
>>> Phelim, Lee, Matilda
>>> July 2021
>>> <open.php.gif>
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