Dear Eleder,

to your PS: I checked

and see that WOSonOS 2019 (the 27th of its kind) is listed there but there is no link to the Book of Proceedings... Barry Owen and the Open Spacce Institute US sponsored the event near Washington DC.
I guess Barry would have a hint on where to find it.
Barry is on this list.
Hi, Barry!

If I remember right, the Berliners still want to have the 2020 event which could not take place because of Covid in Berlin in 2022.

I will cc the 2020 Team.

cheers and enjoy the Basque Beans!

Am 23.09.2021 um 13:26 schrieb Gentza Eleder via OSList:
> Kaixo lagunok, Berlinen izatekoa zen 2020an, gero 2021ean, oraingoz inork ez ezer ziurtatzen, antza.
> Eta, Euskal Herrira gonbidatuko bagenitu, 2022ko udaberri eta udazken tarteko egun batzuetan, munduko gune irekizaleak topagune hezur-mami-arimazkorako?
> Hemen, izandako azken Wosonos 2019ko (Washington) gonbidapen orria ( Galdetzen diet lurreko lagunei orduko txostenak non diren, bide batez.
> Nortzuk gogoz abenturarako?
> Bizi!
> Gentza Eleder Aurtenetxe Pildain
> BuM_31 unJobbing
> Mundaka-Basque Country
> (+0034) 638.733.223
> ps. Harold, Michael, I'm just playing with the idea of WS22 in the Basque Country (if nobody else took it; and if so, we could think about 2023, 24,...), asking how the Basque OS community feels about it.
> By the way, where could we read the proceeding book of WS19?
> Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> Em quarta-feira, 22 de setembro de 2021 às 22:24, Michael M Pannwitz via OSList <> escreveu:
>> Dear Michael H.,
>> here is a link to the WOSonOS 2020 that did not take place
>> Under the section "News - Coronavirus Update" on the homepage the 4th
>> paragraph beginning with "Next steps" goes like this
>> "We are currently checking the option to postpone the WOSonOS to 2021.
>> Therefore it would be helpful to know whether a designated team for 2021
>> already exists? If so, please contact us and we will figure out where
>> the next WOSonOS will take place. Our preparations are on a hold – and
>> whenever the time is right we (and the venue manager) are ready to
>> invite you to Berlin. It is still a wonderful place to get in touch in
>> Open Space on Open Space and we appreciate the opportunity to host it
>> whenever it starts."
>> To me it appears that the Berlin Team was checking the postponement to
>> 2021. Since that appears to be out of sight I assume that it might be
>> postponed to 2022.
>> I am sending ccs to the Team Members.
>> Cheers
>> mmp
>> Am 22.09.2021 um 18:47 schrieb Michael Herman via OSList:
>>> OSonOS was to be in Berlin last year. When that didn't happen, I nudged
>>> the pre-announcement blurb at
>>> to October 2021. Not sure if that was good
>>> information I got from someone in Berlin or me just being lazy (and
>>> hopeful) at the time I updated. But now the calendar, and a first email
>>> inquiry, is calling my/our bluff. Which is a long way of saying, what
>>> up with WOSonOS?
>>> Whenever it starts (again) is the right time, but when might that be?
>>> Anyone venture a guess or already have a plan? Can't remember the last
>>> time I saw mention of it here.
>>> Michael
>>> --
>>> Michael Herman
>>> Michael Herman Associates
>>> 312-280-7838 (mobile)
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