With a recent update, OsmAnd has started splitting my recorded track
logs into separate segments. For instance, when I go on a hike and
we stop for lunch, or if we hang around in one area for a while,
when I upload the GPX afterward it will have two or three different

This seemed like a cool feature at first, but it has a couple of bad
side effects. First, there's no longer any way to find out how long
the hike is: the mileage at the top right only shows mileage
for the current segment, which measures from some arbitrary stopping
place and not from when we started walking.

Second, showing the currently recording track no longer helps with
returning back to the beginning of a hike (getting yourself
un-lost), because OsmAnd only shows the part since the last stop.
The other segments do show up in the list of tracks so you can turn
them on, but they're buried in the list (especially if you have a
lot of tracks) and it's tricky to find the ones you need.

If OsmAnd is going to split tracks automatically, can it please 
show mileage for all segments of the currently recorded track?
And if I'm showing the currently recording track, can it please
show all segments, not just the segment from wherever it last
decided to split the track?



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