Lately in OsmAnd+ I've been having these two issues while navigating 

1. I tap on my destination and want to just immediately tap on *Start 
navigating* button (or whatever it's labeled in English). But I can't do 
this - the button is disabled - until my phone has found my location? This 
wasn't the case in some previous versions of the app. And finding my 
location can sometimes take up to a minute or more. This is dumb because 
I'm driving and I need to focus on the road.
Now, I keep my phone location off until I need it, to preserve battery. So 
I turn it on, and then fire up my OsmAnd+.
I want to be able to *just tell OsmAnd+ to start navigating and then wait 
for it to do its location/navigation calculation in its own time*. It's 
annoying to have to wait just to tap on the button that I'll have to tap 

2. Voice navigation tells me, e.g. "In two... hundred... twenty... seven... 
meters... turn left." If I'm driving in a city this is dumb because, by the 
time I listen to what I should do at the next intersection, I'm already 
through said intersection! If I'm at 50 km/h and have 200 meters to go, in 
those precious ~5 seconds of speech I will pass 70 meters and then panic 
because I've learned I'm in the wrong lane or smth.
It would be so much better to simplify this and *instead of saying "in 227 
meters" just say "in 200 meters"*. Because the other 27 meters don't matter 
to me as a human driver.

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