OK, that's true.
But a speed visualization along the route would make it much easier to 
analyze and detect in which parts of the route the applied speeds are 
nearly true or far out.
I would also really appreciate the possbility to see in advance, in a 
simple way, which parts of a new route that will be fast and which ones 
will be slow.

Den tisdag 7 juli 2020 kl. 09:15:24 UTC+2 skrev cricri du lauragais:
> you can find answer into routing.xml file used for calculate route:
> routing.xml 
> <https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-resources/blob/master/routing/routing.xml>
> Le mardi 7 juillet 2020 02:08:43 UTC+2, Jörgen Olofsson a écrit :
>> Is it somehow possible to display the speeds that have been used in the 
>> travelling time (ETA) calculations for a route?
>> Ideally, the speeds could be visualized similar to the altitude and the 
>> slope under the route analysis.
>> I would find this quite useful and it would probably also help me better 
>> understand how the travelling time is calculated, which speeds that are 
>> associated with different parts of the route etc. Particularly for biking 
>> and walking, where there is no fixed speed limit for the track, I would 
>> like to learn more about how the speed settings are applied.
>> /Jörgen

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