Hi Majka,

  I will check on the things that you suggest.  But perhaps I didn't 
explain clearly enough.  On Monday the tablet works fine.  I use this 
tablet almost exclusively for recording where I walk on my exercise during 
COVID.  It usually sits on the charger with GPS on and Wi-Fi off.  I turned 
Wi-Fi on for a bit to do a bit of browsing.  During this time OsmAnd 
automatically updated itself.  The next time I went to use it for a walk it 
showed me the 'I've updated myself and have these new features' dialogue 
box which I dismissed without reading (I trust this App after many years of 
faithful service).  Then it was immediately not working properly - as I 
described in my original message.  I didn't do anything or install 
anything.  As far as I can tell this change from usable to unusable was 
caused by the automatic upgrade.

  Thanks, Brian.

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