On one of the CycleStreets machines it takes 17.3 hours to extract and
merge data from the Britain and Ireland GeoFabrik planets using:

osmosis -v 100 --read-xml data/osm/downloads/great_britain.osm
enableDateParsing=no  --sort-0.6 type="TypeThenId" --read-xml
data/osm/downloads/ireland.osm enableDateParsing=no  --sort-0.6
type="TypeThenId" --merge --write-apidb dbType=mysql host=localhost
database=britainOSM user=import password=xxx validateSchemaVersion=no

(On our main machine the same only takes about 5 hours.)

During that time it builds an 11 GB innodb file in /var/lib/mysql/ibdata1

Osmosis fills the britainOSM database, which I then treat as 'read
only' to build the CycleStreets routing tables in a separate database.

As I'm only filling a database and then treating it as read-only do I
really need all the transaction processing that is provided by innodb?
Is there a way of turning those features off to speed up all the
processing and use less disk space?


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