You're right, it's no fun at all.
Well here's what I did to try it with a smaller country excerpt (102
MB compressed) this night:
nohup bzcat ~/install/osm-dumps/austria.osm.bz2 |
./osmosis-0.34/bin/osmosis --read-xml-0.6 file=- --write-apidb-0.6
populateCurrentTables=yes host="localhost" database="..." user="..."
password="..." validateSchemaVersion=no > ~/nohup.out &

Still all the tables are empty. It really looks like a roleback or
something, e.g. the nodes table has inserted tuples but alle the
current_xxx tables don't have. The problem is that I haven't got logs
- nothing is written to nohup.out. I could see only the few statements
at the beginning of the import ("pipeline executing, waiting for

I'm trying with an even smaller dataset right now.

What is actually the right way if I first want to import for example
one country from and then,
later, whole Europe into the same DB? I only need a "read-only DB". Is
it possible (I hope so) and if yes, which paramters if osmosis do I
need to set?

2010/3/24 Brett Henderson <>:
> Have you tried it with a smaller dataset first to make sure your import
> process works?  It's not much fun waiting for several days only to find that
> something trivial blocks successful completion.
> Without knowing what you've done, it sounds like you encountered a failure
> and the database rolled back.  Did Osmosis complete successfully?  Do you
> have a complete log of its output?

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