> Nakor wrote:
>> I was trying to extract a bounding box from planet-100519.osm.bz2 and 
>> after one hour or so osmosis stopped running with the error message 
>> at the end.
> You seem to have used one of the --complete-something options. These 
> are  real performance killers because they have to cache the full 
> planet in a temp file. Don't use them unless you really have to.
> If the extract you are making is relatively small, then it can make 
> sense to first do an extract with --clip-incomplete-entities for 
> something that is slightly larger than the bit you want, and then make 
> an excerpt *from that* with the --complete option.

Thanks for the advice.
>> I have 175 Gb free on the disk where the planet file resides. Is this 
>> not enough? Or is osmosis using another disk for its temporary files?
> 175 GB is enough because the temp files are gzipped. But it uses /tmp 
> unless you
> before you run it.

The drive with /tmp has only 5Gb left so that might explain the issue.



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