Hi Zenon,

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 11:33 AM, Zenon Panoussis <ora...@provocation.net>wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I just subscribed and, as you might expect, I'm coming here with
> a problem. I think it's an osmosis bug, but I can't say that for
> sure.
> I find the planet.osm file completely unworkable because of its
> sheer size, so I used osmosis to split it into 720 more manageable
> parts, which I then imported into a postgis/mapserver-utils database.
> Looking at the result, I have lost about 2 meridian minutes of data
> along each meridian, one on each side of it.
> A couple of images explain it best:
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~oracle/gap_manaus.png<http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Eoracle/gap_manaus.png>
> http://www.xs4all.nl/~oracle/gap_lima.png<http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Eoracle/gap_lima.png>
> Both Lima and Manaus lie smack on a meridian.
> Those bands of nothingness in the middle of densly populated cities
> are not the result of some conspiracy among osm data contributors.
> Here's the original dataset:
> http://osm.org/go/NNZblPk--
> http://osm.org/go/N2dmLuy--
> Thus, my import ate up some of the data.
> This is what I did in the specific part of the world where Manaus
> lies:
> --rx planet.osm \
> --tee 2 \
> --bp file=S-78--77.pol \
> --wx S-78--77.osm \
> --bp file=S-77--76.pol \
> --wx S-77--76.osm
> These are the polygon files referenced:
> S-77--76.pol
> 1
>   -77.0  -90.0
>   -77.0   0.0
>   -76.0   0.0
>   -77.0  -90.0
> S-78--77.pol
> 1
>   -78.0  -90.0
>   -78.0   0.0
>   -77.0   0.0
>   -78.0  -90.0
> As you can see, I was just slicing meridian cake triangles from
> the equator to the poles. Note that the overlap between the
> polygons is a one-dimensional line, not an area.

Um, don't your polygons only touch at a single point (-77,0) and not along a
one dimensional -77 longitude line as you suggest.  The two polygons touch
at the equator, drift apart as they travel south, then touch again at the
south pole.  There's a gap between them which would explain the missing

Have I misinterpreted something here?

> The resulting .osm files were imported into postgres with
> for i in *.osm;
>  do osm2pgsql -d osm -a -s -v -S /usr/share/osm2pgsql/default.style \
>     -k -G "$i"
> done
> The osm2pgsql binary was built out of yesterday's SVN with the
> insert-as-modify patch at
> http://www.mail-archive.com/d...@openstreetmap.org/msg10349.html .
> Theoretically, my meridian gap could be caused by osmosis, by osm2pgsq,
> or by any of their underlying libraries. My gut feeling though is that
> it's caused by a rounding error in osmosis or by an accuracy error in
> its underlying routines.

Osmosis uses the
http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/awt/geom/Area.html class
to manage the polygon, and it is constructed from the
which provides double precision coordinates.  It will only treat
objects lying along some edges of shapes as being inside the area (ie. left
edge of a polygon is included, but right edge isn't).  This should mean that
in cases of touching polygons data should only be included in one of the
two.  See http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/awt/Shape.htmlfor
more details.

That's not to say there isn't a bug in the Sun *cough* Oracle libraries, but
it's certainly not custom code that I've written.

On that note, I suspect that data along the international date line might
encounter issues if you specify a polygon right edge of exactly 180 degrees
because data on that line will then be excluded.  But that's not your
issue.  The solution in that case is probably to specify a right edge of 181
degrees to work around the problem.

> Ideas anybody?

Please check your polygons again.  And if you still think they're right
please let me know where I've gone wrong :-)

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