Hi All,

I'm getting worse and worse at responding to any Osmosis issues.  The
primary reason is a recent addition to the family, but a busy day job isn't

This manifests as slow response to emails, slower response to patches, extra
slow response to bugs, and total absence of new features (from me anyway).

If there's anybody out there who wants to take a more active role in Osmosis
maintenance (if not full development) let me know.  This can be as simple as
testing out the very occasional patch and creating releases, through to
taking Osmosis in new directions without fear of me jumping in and saying I
don't like it :-)  Obviously I'd prefer somebody who I've already dealt with
and have a reasonable level of trust in, but I'll consider all options.  The
main requirement is some familiarity with the existing code base.

I suspect along with most of OSM that developers with spare time on their
hands are in short supply and I won't be inundated with offers.  If that's
the case then I'm happy to continue with things in their current state, but
just be aware that for all intents and purposes Osmosis is going to be
fairly stagnant for the foreseeable future.  I'll find time where I can, but
Osmosis maintenance isn't going to get much attention.

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