On Saturday 09 April 2011 22:27:31 you wrote:
> I started a full planet import on the 29th, 11 days ago.  I'm trying to get 
> an idea how long this will take.  I just want to know if this will take about 
> 20 days or more like 40 days.

I think i found my answer, thanks to Toby:

"enableBboxBuilder=yes: This tells the write-pgsql-dump task to calculate a 
bounding box for each way. This is stored in a "geometry" type column in 
postgres that can be used in spatial queries. This can be done in the database 
but you may not live to see it finish if you are processing the entire planet. 


Also i was using Osmosis 0.34 from Debian 6.  I'll upgrade to the stable or 
devel release, or try svn.

For the record this import is on day 17.5 and it's currently running this query 
for 15 days.

UPDATE ways SET bbox = (
SELECT Envelope(Collect(geom)) FROM nodes JOIN way_nodes ON way_nodes.node_id = 
WHERE way_nodes.way_id = ways.id


Brian DeRocher

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