Hi Michael,

On 20.09.2011 22:50, Michael Prinzing wrote:
there seems to be a problem with the conversion of xml data to pbf in
osmosis 0.39 that did not exist in version 0.38.
there are multiple problems you are reporting, some of the I can reproduce, some not.

I've tried to convert a file containing data from strm2osm (converted
to osm 0.6 before) by calling osmosis 0.39 with

osmosis --read-xml file="strm.osm" --write-pbf omitmetadata=true 
> [...]

Now, there is an "empty" bounding box, and the timestamps are far in
the past (looks like an integer of -1 converted to a timestamp to me).
First, the timestamp problem. Yes, that is a -1 converted to a timestamp, and you may have noted that user, version, and changeset are also -1. This is exactly what --write-pbf should do if you say "omitmetadata=true" to it: it, uh, omits non-geographical metadata while writing the PBF file ;)

I've just done a quick

osmosis --rx map.osm --write-pbf map.osm.pbf
osmosis --rb map.osm.pbf --wx map2.osm

and all the timestamps and other information were in map2.osm just fine.

I could reproduce the empty bounding box problem, though, thanks for the report. IMHO this is a bug and unless someone who is more knowledgeable than me says it's a feature (Brett? Scott? :)), I'm going to try to fix it.

I am sure it is somewhere between the PBF writer and the PBF reader (i.e. it is not an XML reader/writer problem), more precisely in the header block handling, but I need to investigate it a little further... means, it could take a couple of days before I come up with a fix.

Greetings from Stuttgart

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