I have the following .osc file. The important part is it has two ways
with both the same id and version, except different dates and

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osmChange version="0.6" generator="Osmosis 0.40.1">
    <way id="1" version="1" timestamp="2011-06-25T18:39:36Z" uid="1"
user="user" changeset="1">
      <nd ref="1"/>
      <nd ref="1"/>
      <tag k="foo" v="bar"/>
    <way id="1" version="1" timestamp="2011-06-25T19:39:36Z" uid="1"
user="user" changeset="2">
      <nd ref="1"/>
      <nd ref="1"/>
      <tag k="foo" v="bar_bar"/>

Running it through osmosis with,

osmosis --read-xml-change in.osc --sort-change --simplify-change
--write-xml-change out.osc


Can it be expected that --simplify-change be able to handle this and
offer a conflictResolutionMethod argument like --merge? Or is there
some other way to handle this case?

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