there is maybe an error in osmosis (or in an other program). I never
checked this, because i don't use this program.

Given status:
An area is an 'outer'-element from a multipolygon, and the 'outer' OR the
multipolgon is tagged as *=residential, *=riverbank or something other.

If someone delete the multipolygon or relevant tags (and tag the area with
the old multipolygon-tags, if it was untagged), then Mapnik render it as
an untagget area.
Maybe osmosis create a wrong diff-file, or the osmosis version, which
Mapnik use on openstreetmap.org, is old.


P.S.: See this problem also on german-forum: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=226664#p226664 (in german)

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