
   (re-heating this 4 month old thread)

On 07/13/2013 01:03 PM, Jocelyn Jaubert wrote:
> I'm currently using a workaround, which is to set maxInterval in
> configuration.txt to 0.5 day to make sure that osmosis is not trying to
> merge two diffs. Then I had to add a loop to run osmosis until there are
> no recent diffs.

I've just been bitten by the same problem when trying to keep an
Europe-only Nominatim instance up to date with Geofabrik diffs.

I wonder if simply dropping the --simplify-change from Nominatim's
osmosis invocation will solve things - might lose a little performance
for things modified on subsequent days but hey. (One could even do this:
try with --simplify-change by default but if this fails, re-run
without... Nominatim already re-runs osmosis if it fails so I'd just
have to add the "drop simplify-change" code.)

> Maybe the best way to fix this is to add a note on a website explaining
> that the diffs generated by Geofabrik are not meant for "direct"
> consumption by osmosis with a big value on maxInterval ?

I'll do that.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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