Evgeniy, yes, is something like that!...BUT there have to be someone who
has translated the majority of tags(which are a LOT) into spanish language,
that's exactly what I need to find.

El mar., 23 may. 2017 a las 3:21, Evgeniy Karyakin (<
anthropophag...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> > Hi all, I have create a poi database with osmosis, but I need to use
> > TagTransform in order to the tags be on spanish for my application...Is
> > there any place where I can find it so that I dont need to create it
> > manually? Because I notice that there are a lots of osm tags,
>    I haven't worked with POIs and don't even know what it is, in OSM
> context, but I do similar tasks of selecting narrow zones (cities) and
> building Garmin maps from it using Russian or English names where
> possible. Shortly, my tactics is this: I read nodes and ways and pick
> names according to language list I need, in order of priority which is
> important/suitable for me.
>    For example, for Greek cities, I pick name:en (English), then
> name:el (Greek), then int_name (internationally recognizable name),
> then name:ru (Russian). If a node has English name I pick it. If it
> hasn't I pick Greek. If it hasn't I pick int_name. And so on. Output
> contains nodes and ways with names in language which has highest
> priority to me.
>    Example translations XML is attached. I would be appreciated if
> someone review it and suggest how to make it simplier.
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