Hi Tim,

Thanks for your review.
As you are correct, your review has been reused by Benoit in his 
In order to avoid duplication of emails/threads, I'll rather (only) answer the 
thread from Benoit.


 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Tim Wicinski [mailto:tjw.i...@gmail.com]
 > Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2017 2:38 PM
 > To: ops-...@ietf.org
 > Cc: ospf@ietf.org; draft-ietf-ospf-encapsulation-cap....@ietf.org; 
 > i...@ietf.org
 > Subject: Opsdir last call partial review of 
 > draft-ietf-ospf-encapsulation-cap-06
 > Review is partially done. Another review request has been registered for
 > completing it.
 > Reviewer: Tim Wicinski
 > Review result: Has Issues
 > Summary: Almost Ready
 > The content appears to be fine, but there are some outdated (the biggest one 
 > is
 > 5226 replaced by 8126), but its the IANA section which appears the most
 > confusing.
 > 7.1 OSPF Router Information (RI) Registry -  appears fine
 > 7.2 OSPF Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute Sub-TLV Registry
 > This one defines the values being defined/allocated from "This Document" but 
 > in
 > Section 5, each Sub-TLV is defined in other documents, so it's totally
 > confusing.


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