On 11/1/17, 1:31 PM, "Christian Hopps" <cho...@chopps.org> wrote:

>Acee Lindem (acee) <a...@cisco.com> writes:
>> Hi Chris, et al,
>> The authors of "OSPF Graceful Restart Enhancements”,
>> draft-basavaraj-ospf-graceful-restart-enhancements-00 would like a 10
>> minute slot at IETF 100.
>Who's presenting?

Put me for now. 


>> Thanks,
>> Acee
>> On 10/19/17, 9:55 AM, "Christian Hopps" <cho...@chopps.org> wrote:
>>>Hi OSPF and IS-IS,
>>>The preliminary agenda has been posted:
>>>   https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/100/agenda.html
>>>Our 2.5h joint session of IS-IS and OSPF is tentatively scheduled for
>>>Thursday from 9:30am to 12:00pm (+08).
>>>Please send your requests for a presentation slot, indicating
>>>draft name, speaker, and desired duration (covering presentation and
>>>discussion) to isis-cha...@ietf.org or ospf-cha...@ietf.org.
>>>Abhay, Acee, Chris and Hannes.

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