Dear fellow OSRM’ers,

I am excited to announce the release of OSRM v4.4.0 [1], your favorite 
OpenStreetMap based routing engine. We are moving at a fast pace and are 
combining 255 commits this time. This release features a number of exciting 

This is the shortened change log:
- Merge pull request #889 from Project-OSRM/experimental/cuke_datastore
- change of travel_mode is now indicated, ie. ferries, shuttle trains, etc.
- update car and foot profiles, add ferry mode
- support for maxspeed tags in the form of 'countrycode:zone type' for car 
- support way surface, tracktype, smoothness tags in car profile
- ability to get multiple points from /nearest by using num_results argument
- use double precision floating point math to fix some rounding issues
- fixed a number of bugs in the compressed graph format
- use smarter caching in the test suite, speeds up re-runs.
- remove compile-time time stamps for less rebuilds
- replace boost::variant w/ mapbox::util::variant
- tighter C++11 integration
- enable partitioning on link-time optimization, good riddance GCC 4.7
- better checking for luabind compilation, fixes some OSX woes
- use object libraries in cmake

Potentially breaking changes:
- removed remaining GCC 4.7 support
- the server API has changed to include travel mode
- bumped minimum version of CMake to 2.8.8

Please note that the release numbering scheme has changed. In essence, the 
leading zero is skipped resulting in some wiggle room at the other end for 
minor releases. The bindings to NodeJS have also been tagged to a corresponding 
release [2] pulling in another 60+ commits. The v4.4.x release series continues 
to focus on new features and significate efficiency improvements. Big thanks to 
everyone who contributed to this important milestone release!

We have tested the release in the past days at our demo site and it has been 
running without any apparent issues with millions of queries. Also, we have 
started an effort to update the existing JavaScript web UI to a much more 
modern and slick look. This is work in progress and we are tracking the changes 
in a separate repository [3]. Patches and contributions are more than welcome. 
In the mean time, we invite everyone to use the existing web interface at our 
demo site:

Dennis (on behalf of Team OSRM)


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