I'll answer a bunch of the reply's here:

1. we do pre-compute a distance matrix and use that already but if you have a situation like:

           |          |        |
           B          C        |
           |          |        |

and you want the route A-B-C-D if you use a precomputed distance matrix you get a path A-x-B-x-y-C-y-z-D (depending on where B and C are in those segments (ie: the vehicle makes a u-turn at B and C) when we want a route like A-x-B-t-u-C-y-z-D. OSRM will generate the later route if you ask for the route A,B,C,D with via points. So a simple distance matrix does not work well.

2. The performance issue is not with the C++, we get basically the same performance using Perl (GET) or curl at the command line, or curl from C or from c++.

3. I will look at the node-osrm code. I remember seeing that posted, but had forgotten. Thanks for the reminder of that.

4. I am some what stuck on an older version of the source code because I'm not in a position to upgrade my server OS and packages. :( So this is somewhat problematic for me at the moment.

Anyway, lots of great ideas. I appreciate them all and will be digging into them over the weekend.

Best regards,

On 11/7/2014 12:46 PM, John Firebaugh wrote:
Hi Steve,

Recent versions of osrm-backend build a library which you can link
against. See https://github.com/Project-OSRM/node-osrm/ for an example.


On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 7:13 AM, Stephen Woodbridge
<wood...@swoodbridge.com <mailto:wood...@swoodbridge.com>> wrote:


    I seem to remember a while back that there was a discussion about
    the possibility to embed the OSRM routing engine at the code level
    rather than doing HTTP requests to a server.

    I now find myself in a position that this would be desirable to do.
    I have a small coverage area like a city, but I'm getting killed by
    the overhead of formatting requests as strings, making a socket
    connection to osrm-routed, parsing the responses, etc. Making local
    requests my server this is taking 4-500 ms per request.

    Basically, I'm doing viaroute requests with 2-100 via points. 99% of
    the time all I need to know is the travel time.

    Since I'm developing in C++, I thought it might be easy and much
    faster to instantiate the routing engine and then have a simple
    interface where I can pass a container of points and get back the
    travel time for that route and/or the path coordinates. But I could
    live without the coordinates if I had to.

    Has anyone done this already? Can you share?

    I have started digging through the source to see if I can do this,
    but working my way in from osrm-routed or Tools/simpleclient.cpp the
    code is very entangled with all the http request/response stuff that
    I would ideally like to avoid. So far the most promising path looks
    like using some variant of the simpleclient, but its not obvious if
    or how to untangle all the json stuff and simply return a struct or
    class to the caller without that. I spent most of yesterday, digging
    through this and made a lot of progress just understanding
    simpleclient and getting ti to compile and work and get it to actual
    return results using a shared memory connection.

    A little help in this direction would be appreciated.


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