Hey Patrick,
Thanks for the help.

Sorry but I'm a little bit new with Javascript environment. I see that the
first link you sent me is contained in a full-working project. In order to
use the functionalities of the .js file, do I have to include the whole
project in some way, or can I re-use the single file on my side without any
extra-dependencies? Also, is the leaflet routing machine is useful to run
many tests on the OSRM server with random locations values each time?


2015-02-12 11:34 GMT+01:00 Patrick Niklaus <patrick.nikl...@student.kit.edu>

> Hey Romain,
> Leaflet-Routing-Machine is a good reference for seeing how to query the
> OSRM route with javascript from a browser:
> https://github.com/perliedman/leaflet-routing-machine/blob/master/src/L.Routing.OSRM.js
> They use corslite [1] to do the json querry.
> [1]
> https://github.com/perliedman/leaflet-routing-machine/blob/master/src/L.Routing.OSRM.js#L55
> Good luck,
> Patrick
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 10:46 AM, Romain NKONGO <romain.rn...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello to all the OSRM community.
>> I'm a french student who works on a university project, along with my
>> supervisor and uses the open source project OSRM to achieve it.
>> At some point, I have to run some tests (like thousands of tests) to
>> extract some values from the JSON outputs (e.g. the total time). Now our
>> problem is we tried several ways to do this, by sending HTTP GET requests
>> to the running server and treat the returned response as JSON. But we tried
>> with Javascript, jQuery and AngularJS, with functions like $resource.get,
>> jQuery.getJSON $http.get or $http.jsonp and we never managed to get the
>> returned response in a way that we could use it for further treatment in
>> our script. Actually, we were able to send the requests to the server but
>> the response is returned in the fom of an URL link which contains the JSON
>> output in its body, not in the form of a variable in our Javascript that we
>> could manipulate.
>> As a matter of fact, we have two issues for this :
>> - some of the functions we used (which are based on jsonp) added a
>> callback parameter to the sent URL, so the request became invalid with
>> 'Query malformed at the position' errors
>> - I've seen in the OSRM documentation that the JSON output is encoded
>> with the Google polyline algorithm so it could be an invalid JSON for
>> Javascript (we also observed errors like SyntaxError: JSON.parse:
>> unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
>> We essentially want to use the viaroute service, so our URL is something
>> like that : "htttp://localhost:5000/viaroute?loc=a,b&loc=c,d" with a,b, c
>> and d random float numbers.
>> Has anyone ever tried to run some customized tests on OSRM, with any Web
>> language, and if so can he give me some tricks of how he succeeded to get
>> the JSON ouptut where he wanted?
>> To be clearer of how I proceeded in AngularJS, here the code of my app.js
>> :
>> var app = angular.module('clientOSRM', ['ngResource']);
>> app.controller('appController', ['$scope','$http', 'appServices',
>> function ($scope,$http, appServices) {
>>     //Initialisation de notre input, sa valeur sera stockée en instantané
>> dans cette variable (ng-model)
>>     $scope.valueInput1 = "47.3654647,0.6822917";
>>     $scope.valueInput2 = "47.3905003,0.6920979";
>>     var getItineraryParams = function () {
>>         return {
>>         start: $scope.valueInput1,
>>         end: $scope.valueInput2
>>         //start: "47.3654647,0.6822917",
>>         //end: "47.3905003,0.6920979"
>>             //start: "a,b",
>>             //end: "c,d"
>>         }
>>     };
>>     //Une fonction accessible que dans ce controleur (mot clé var)
>>     var getItinerary = function () {
>>         appServices.osrm.get(getItineraryParams(),
>>             function (itinerary) {
>>         alert("Succes : "+typeof itinerary);
>>                 console.log(itinerary);
>>             },
>>             function (error) {
>>         alert("erreur : "+typeof error+"; status : "+error.status);
>>                 console.log(error);
>>             }
>>         );
>>     /*$http.jsonp("
>> http://localhost:5000/viaroute?loc=47.3654647,0.6822917&loc=47.3905003,0.6920979&alt=false&geometry=false&output=json
>> ")
>>     .success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
>>         console.log(data);
>>       }).
>>       error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
>>         console.log(data);
>>       });*/
>>     };
>>     //Une fonction accessible depuis la vue
>>     //Fonction appelée à l'envoi du formulaire (balise ng-submit dans
>> <form>)
>>     $scope.submit = function () {
>>         //On peut récupérer la valeur de notre input !
>>         //console.log($scope.valueInput1);
>>         getItinerary();
>>     };
>> }]);
>> app.run(function ($rootScope) {
>>     $rootScope.safeApply = function (fn) {
>>         var phase = $rootScope.$$phase;
>>         if (phase === '$apply' || phase === '$digest') {
>>             if (fn && (typeof(fn) === 'function')) {
>>                 fn();
>>             }
>>         } else {
>>             this.$apply(fn);
>>         }
>>     };
>> });
>> and also the appServices.js code :
>> app.factory('appServices', function ($resource) {
>>     return {
>>         osrm: $resource("", {}, {
>>             'get': {
>>                 method: 'GET',
>>                 params: {start: '@start', end: '@end'},
>>                 isArray:true,
>>                 url: "
>> http://localhost:5000/viaroute?loc=:start&loc=:end&alt=false&geometry=false
>> "
>>             }
>>         })
>>     };
>> });
>> In the getItinerary function in app.js, the error function (the 3rd
>> parameter) is always triggered even with a HTTP status code '200 OK' of the
>> request.
>> Any ideas where it could go wrong?
>> Thanks in advance.
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