Patrick Niklaus wrote:
I think runs on data from Ordnance Survy. So it is
absolutely doable, but I don't think you will find any importers
(targeting OSRM) for commercial data sources as OpenSource. (most
providers require you to sign a NDA before you are allowed to even
look at the documentation...). runs on OSM data, but it's augmented with supplementary data from Ordnance Survey and other sources. I use a little homegrown tool to add extra tags to the ways in the OSM .pbf:

Romain - I'd suggest you start by creating a small .osm file with an extract of your converted data (say, a town or county) and running OSRM over that. As Patrick says, there are a few gotchas with connectivity and tags. Once you're happy with that, you can rewrite your tool to create a .pbf.


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