Hi Robert,

  http://map.project-orsm.org/ <http://map.project-orsm.org/> isn't really 
intended for linking to like your'e describing.  It's more of a demo interface 
to OSRM itself.

  Have you explored using LRM (Leaflet Routing Machine) 
<http://www.liedman.net/leaflet-routing-machine/> and drawing routes on your 
own Leaflet <div> ?


> On Nov 11, 2015, at 12:47 PM, MapsMarker.com <i...@mapsmarker.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am the developer of the WordPress mapping plugins Leaflet Maps Marker 
> (https://wordpress.org/plugins/leaflet-maps-marker/ 
> <https://wordpress.org/plugins/leaflet-maps-marker/>) and Maps Marker Pro 
> (https://www.mapsmarker.com <https://www.mapsmarker.com/>). Both plugins 
> include support for different directions providers - one of them is OSRM and 
> directions links are linking directly to map.project-osrm.org 
> <http://map.project-osrm.org/>. I noticed that the URL schema I used so far 
> seemed to have changed and the map is now always centered on Washington 
> (example link produced by my plugin currently: 
> http://map.project-osrm.org/?hl=en&loc=48.292787,16.092911&df=0 
> <http://map.project-osrm.org/?hl=en&loc=48.292787,16.092911&df=0>)
> I did some research and found that the URL parameters have changed and that 
> new parameters like "center" are required.
> Anyway I am having issues supporting the new URL scheme, because I only want 
> to set the end point for directions as I do not know where the user wants to 
> start. I tried this by using the following URL for example:
> http://map.project-osrm.org/?z=13&center=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=&hl=en&ly=&alt=&df=&srv=
> <http://map.project-osrm.org/?z=13&center=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=&hl=en&ly=&alt=&df=&srv=>
> The main issue is that if only 1 loc parameter is set, the input form field 
> for start point remains empty, resulting in a non usable link for my plugin 
> users.
> The current workaround for this issue is to set both loc parameters to the 
> same lat+lon values (like 
> http://map.project-osrm.org/?z=13&center=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&hl=en&ly=&alt=&df=&srv=
> <http://map.project-osrm.org/?z=13&center=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&hl=en&ly=&alt=&df=&srv=>)
>  - this results in start+end point form fields being populated - anyway this 
> is suboptimal, as the user has to delete the start form field and enter where 
> he wants to start.
> I searched the wiki but couldnt find a way how this could be solved. Is there 
> a way to use a URL like 
> http://map.project-osrm.org/?z=13&center=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=&hl=en&ly=&alt=&df=&srv=
> <http://map.project-osrm.org/?z=13&center=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=48.242330%2C16.433030&loc=&hl=en&ly=&alt=&df=&srv=>
>  with only 1 loc parameter set which prefills the endpoint for directions so 
> that the user only has to set the start point for directions? If not, is 
> there a chance that the site gets updated to support that?
> Any help would really be appreciated!
> best,
> Robert
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