(Rather than start with a plea for help, I'd _really_ thank you for osrm.)

I'm using osrm for time/distance matrices, and geometry (and
turn-by-turn in the near future). I've been running it with the
berlin-latest data from openstreetmap for testing/development. That's
been working well, and impressively.

Of course, I need to use Navteq U.S. and Canada for production. But, I
can't figure out how to get the data into osrm (yea, I know this will
take a gazillion cpu cycles, and a lot of ram to do the conversion.)

The first question is: is this too much of a task for someone (me) who
is not a gis expert? Do you know who I can hire to help me with this.

The second question is: can you help me figure out the steps to get
navteq data into osrm?

I have only a spotty understanding of the data/concepts for esri & osrm,
so I can't figure out what is wrong:

1. The navteq data was being used in esri. Our gis specialist (doesn't
know openstreetmap) exported it in ".map" format. Here's the cut-down
files I start with (just Delaware):

ls -l map-data/Delaware.map
-rw-rw---- 1 me me 36617162 Jan 19  2015 Streets.DAT
-rw-rw---- 1 me me   349536 Jan 19  2015 Streets.ID
-rw-rw---- 1 me me 21741056 Jan 19  2015 Streets.IND
-rw-rw---- 1 me me  7585280 Jan 19  2015 Streets.MAP
-rw-rw---- 1 me me     3086 Jan 19  2015 Streets.TAB
-rw-rw---- 1 me me 10654217 Jan 19  2015 Zlevels.DAT
-rw-rw---- 1 me me  1469516 Jan 19  2015 Zlevels.ID
-rw-rw---- 1 me me  9404416 Jan 19  2015 Zlevels.IND
-rw-rw---- 1 me me  6843904 Jan 19  2015 Zlevels.MAP
-rw-rw---- 1 me me      305 Jan 19  2015 Zlevels.TAB

2. I choose ogr2osm.py (https://github.com/pnorman/ogr2osm.git) to do
the conversion to osm. I choose that because it seemed to be relatively
up-to-date, and one-step (compared to -> gml -> osm). Maybe I should
have used a different process?

python map-data/ogr2osm.py -d -o map-data/Delaware.map.osm/Delaware.osm

running with lxml.etree
Preparing to convert 'map-data/Delaware.map/' to
Will try to detect projection from source metadata, or fall back to
Using default translations
Using default filterLayer
Using default filterFeature
Using default filterTags
Using default filterFeaturePost
Using default preOutputTransform
Parsing data
Detected projection metadata:
        SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563],
Detected projection metadata:
        SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563],
Merging points
Making list
Checking list
Merging duplicate points in ways
Outputting XML

-rw-rw---- 1 me me 325449558 Dec 16 12:09 Delaware.osm

3. It seems like osrm-extract will accept .osm files, so I used that.

The profile.lua is osrm-backend/profiles/car.lua.

osrm-backend is https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend.git,
        branch develop
        last commit: Date:   Fri Nov 20 19:52:22 2015 +0100
        compiled on ubuntu 14.04 as per instructions.
(nb, the osrm stuff worked fine "extracting" and "preparing" the
berlin-latest data).

I was using the develop branch because it seemed to have more recent
fixes. Perhaps I should be on master for stability? (yes, this will be
used for production processes, periodically).

So, the obvious problem happens here:

osrm-extract map-data/Delaware.map.osm/Delaware.osm

[info] Input file: Delaware.osm
[info] Profile: profile.lua
[info] Threads: 4
[info] Using script profile.lua
[STXXL-MSG] STXXL v1.3.1 (release)
[STXXL-ERRMSG] Warning: no config file found.
[STXXL-ERRMSG] Using default disk configuration.
[STXXL-MSG] 1 disks are allocated, total space: 1000 MiB
[info] Parsing in progress..
[info] input file generated by uvmogr2osm
[info] timestamp: n/a
[info] Using turn restrictions
[info] Found 3 exceptions to turn restrictions:
[info]   motorcar
[info]   motor_vehicle
[info]   vehicle
[info] Parsing finished after 5.12737 seconds
[info] Raw input contains 260230 nodes, 87384 ways, and 0 relations, and
0 unknown entities
[warn] The input data is empty, exiting.
[STXXL-ERRMSG] Removing disk file created from default configuration:

And no new (data) files. I notice that the "relations" is empty, but I
don't know if that is significant.

Alan Grover

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