On Aug 17, 2016, at 2:00 PM, Florian Lohoff wrote:

(Florian Lohoff, I agree)

I can confirm the same problem, though I think this is a mix between OSM, Nominatim and OSRM. We route from municipalities to airports. Where that was available, we used the "Admin Center node" set in OSM, but even that is often NOT a road address. We updated all airports to a street address to avoid such conflicts on that side. We now have the task at hand to define a "starting point" for any given municipality on file. A major problem happened i.e. in the Alps, where the "centroid" is on the mountain top, OSRM taking mountain ways at extreme slow speed adding some 20-40 unnecessary minutes, comparing to the neighboring town having an admin center defined.

And we can't blame it only to Nominatim: We use geodata as origin and destination for the route as we found Naming to be extremely misleading. I cannot recommend that at all. We had major errors, where the way you entered the data had major impact on the accuracy of the identified geopoint. We had i.e. Münster (Lech), naming according to Wikipedia and the city, OSM relation/962251, with a population of 2000 mistaken with Münster (Westfalen). A major city there. And a minor difference in drive time by 570 km or 5:30h and a nice "hole" in our map in Bavaria until we solved that... Other examples where islands with "exclaves" where the centroid simply was in the water and the drive time started on the wrong (uninhabited) island...

So yes, I think it would be wise to improve OSRM on this. It might be needed to improve the OSM data, but moving streets or ways cannot be the answer. If I understood those comments right we talk about "adjusting" reality here for the sake of a route request...?

I'm also really concerned about that "indefinite distance" like on my Helgoland problem. Found the same true on other islands. That way, OSRM returns something where an error would make more sense! We can't solve this in a day or with a quick fix, but this is a quality problem that may have repercussions all over the planet(.osm). A general improvement (a.k.a. evolution). Issue is (in my opinion) that there should be a "best practice". And that might need the possibility to have an optional "routing reference point" (whatever you call it) on places, ways or points... If it's not there yet anyway?

How to proceed? I'm too new to say.

Cheers - Juergen

P.S.: Have been out sick. Sorry for the delayed response.

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