Hi everyone,

  As most of you have probably noticed, the OSRM demoserver has been pretty
unreliable over the last few months.

  This weekend, I'm going to migrate it to live alongside our production
infrastructure here at Mapbox.  This means it'll get redundancy and

  I'm hoping the transition is mostly seamless, but there will be a few
changes you may notice:

    1. We'll be switching from `osrm.routed`, to `osrm-routed.js` (
https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/pull/4604).  I've tried my
best to make it fully compatible, but, well, there are always bugs.
    2. The demoserver will only run stable releases, it will no longer run
from master.
    3. The dataset is a slightly modified car.lua, *plus* Mapbox's freeflow
traffic data over the top - this should give more accurate ETAs in areas
where Mapbox has traffic coverage than plain car.lua.
    4. Hints are disabled on the new setup - the hint= parameter is
accepted but ignored.  This is because we're cycling the dataset every few
hours behind the scenes, hints get invalidated quickly.
    5. The demoserver will have a service-wide rate limit of 5000
req/minute.  Looking at past logs, it stays below this about 98% of the
time, but be prepared for HTTP 429 responses, and be aware that heavy usage
may cause rate limiting for everyone else if you flood the server.
    6. Some error messages will change - this is mostly the result of the
switch from osrm-routed to osrm-routed.js and using a different URL parsing

  I plan on doing the switchover starting now - there may be some DNS
outage required while I do the reconfiguration.  Once the swapover is done,
the hope is that we'll have a much more reliable service that costs us less
money to operate.

  If you notice any weirdness that seem the result of the switchover,
please open tickets in the osrm-backend project.

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