
I'm running a local docker instance of OSRM backend and using the Match service 
to route a large number of trips (millions) with tracepoints.  I'm trying to 
speed up the process and looking for recommendations on ways to improve speed.  
Currently, I can route between 10-20 trips/second, however, at this speed it 
will still take > 10 days to route all trips.  The server running OSRM-backend 
doesn't appear to be taxed (CPU or memory), so I'm not sure that boosting 
either of those will help.  I've considered running multiple instances of 
OSRM-backend, but wondering if there are other recommendations.

A few additional details about my request:

Using /match/v1/driving
Requesting geojson
Passing timestamps and radii for tracepoints
Average of 50 tracepoints per trip

I'm primarily concerned with getting the OSM nodes from the route, but have 
requested the overview geometry for comparison.

I appreciate any suggestions and am happy to answer additional questions about 
my use case.

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