Jeroen Hook wrote:
> Is there another way to find out what type of road(s) I am crossing?

I think the easiest solution would be to allow bicycles on your 
highway=primary, but set it to be a restricted access road (or just to have a 
really high cost). That way you’d still call process_turn, but in reality the 
primary road wouldn't be used for routing.

My private fork does something like this in its equivalent of 
process_turn (e.g.,-1.2612&to=51.7554,-1.2616), though it’s 
a (pretty extensive) fork of 4.9.x so not directly comparable.

Alternatively, you could do some preprocessing to mark intersections, depending 
on the size of your source data. For a different project I wrote which identifies junctions in an 
.osm.pbf. If you were to patch it to output node IDs, then look up those node 
IDs in process_node, you could assign crossing penalties that way.

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