
In a project of mine I am using OSM data from a city for 7 different years.
Recent data from 2020 acts as the reference. I want to see how different
changes in the data will affect the routing for quality reasons (e.g: If i
used data from 2014 today, will my route be better or worse?).

For this I am using OSRM on the 2020 data to get a reference route. I
planned to check if the same route is possible in the older datasets from
2014 to 2019 (if the same route isn't possible, I am computing the route to
the destination). I already tried to use some of the values from the
reference route, however many values (like node IDs or locations) change
over the different datasets and i can't really compare them to the original
reference route. Maybe someone has already done something similar and can
tell me what parameters were used from the routing result, i would really
appreciate that.

Best regards,
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