The missing piece is OSRM following the guidelines outlined here:

Practically, here's what needs to happen:

  1. Someone needs to make a GeoJSON file with these country boundaries,
and set properties on them that describe the access defaults.
  2. Use the `--location-dependent-data` flag to `osrm-extract` so the
properties are available to the Lua scripts setting access rules
  3. Update the Lua scripts to know what to do when the location-dependent
properties are present.

I have enough time to write this down as a guideline for someone, but not
enough spare time to actually go ahead and do it :-/


On Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 1:15 PM ika-chan! <> wrote:

> Hello,
> Last week, VictorIE and I came into conflict about the use of
> "access=yes" on trunk roads ("highway=trunk" and "highway=trunk_link")
> in the Republic of Ireland
> (
> In the Republic of Ireland, Greece, and the United Kingdom, trunk roads
> are all-purpose roads that all users can legally use, unless
> specifically prohibited (with the use of the tags "motorroad=yes" or
> "foot=no", etc.): in Greece, "highway=trunk" means an all-purpose
> National Road on an E-Road network
> (
> VictorIE believes that it is currently necessary to use "access=yes" on
> trunk roads, because your router does not allow pedestrian and bicycle
> journeys to use trunk roads, even though it is legal to do so
> (
> My belief is that using "access=yes" on trunk roads in IE, GR and GB is
> redundant, and my belief appears to be backed by Osmose
> (
> Therefore, I have to write to ask you if you can find a way to update
> the router so that pedestrian and bicycle journeys can use trunk roads
> in Republic of Ireland, Greece and the United Kingdom. If OSRM can
> already recognise left- and right-hand traffic, I do not think that the
> updates will be too hard.
> Best,
> -- ika-chan!
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