Jacob Bachmeyer wrote in
 |Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> [...]
 |> Some findings:
 |>   . I note that the mentioned files are writable by only root (and
 |>   i would assume MAP_DENYWRITE to only work if i could do so
 |>   myself).
 |I believe that most executables are writable only by root, but available 
 |to unprivileged users.  Since the purpose of MAP_DENYWRITE seems to have 
 |been ensuring that executables cannot change out from underneath running 
 |programs, it would need to work when unprivileged users map the file; 
 |thus the DoS problem.

I have to reread mandatory-locking.txt and locks.txt from Linux
src.  I just realized that lslocks(1) aka /proc/locks shows me
locks held by PID 1130 which "i" cannot see due to

  $ findmnt /proc
  /proc  none   proc   rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,gid=10,hidepid=invisible
  $ cat /proc/locks
  1: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 1130 00:15:354719 0 EOF
  2: FLOCK  ADVISORY  WRITE 1130 00:15:354609 0 EOF

I have the gut feeling in the end there will be nothing in /proc
nor /sys.

 |>   . Capabilities have become more fine-grained.
 |>   . I always whimper when i have to rm(1) a running executable before
 |>   placing an updated variant on Linux, on BSDs i simply over-cp(1)
 |>   (and i do not understand as long as one gets either the one or
 |>   the other when executing the path).
 |Simple solution:
 |    - write the new executable under a temporary name
 |    - use link(2) to create a new name for the existing executable
 |    - use rename(2) to atomically replace the existing executable
 |    - use unlink(2) to remove the old version after any needed checks
 |You can dispense with link(2) and unlink(2) if you do not want to 
 |preserve a backup of the old executable.  Using this method will change 
 |the executable's inode number (meaning that it really is a different 
 |file) and that means that the old version can remain on disk for as long 
 |as it remains in use, even after its last name has been removed.

Thank you.  Whimpering is not that bad, The Cure boys were crying.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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