On 23 July 2024 we (Internet Systems Consortium) disclosed four vulnerabilities 
affecting our BIND 9 software:

- CVE-2024-0760:        A flood of DNS messages over TCP may make the server 
unstable https://kb.isc.org/docs/cve-2024-0760
- CVE-2024-1737:        BIND's database will be slow if a very large number of 
RRs exist at the same name https://kb.isc.org/docs/cve-2024-1737
- CVE-2024-1975:        SIG(0) can be used to exhaust CPU resources 
- CVE-2024-4076:        Assertion failure when serving both stale cache data 
and authoritative zone content https://kb.isc.org/docs/cve-2024-4076

New versions of BIND 9 are available from https://www.isc.org/downloads

Operators and package maintainers who prefer to apply patches selectively can 
find individual vulnerability-specific patches in the "patches" subdirectory of 
each published release directory:

- https://downloads.isc.org/isc/bind9/9.18.28/patches/

With the public announcement of these vulnerabilities, the embargo period is 
ended and any updated software packages that have been prepared may be released.

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